chapter 8

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-Carlos' POV-

   at first, we walk on the bridge that Corrine just made. then, we start running. when we're close to Auradon, we hear screams and i get nervous.
"Mal, Evie, go with Jane. hide and don't come out until i come find you. ok?" i say. they all nod their heads. and with that, Mal, Evie, and Jane were gone.
"what are we gonna do?" Corinne asks.
"well, me and you both know what that means." i say to Corinne, pointing at the now fading crossbones in the sky.
"yeah, but what are we gonna do about it?" she asks.
"ok, i have no idea what that is," Jay says, pointing at the blurry crossbones in the sky. "but i do know that they're not good. so are we gonna do something about them or not?" he finishes and i start thinking.
"this is what we're gonna do, Corinne, follow me. Jay, go make sure everyone's ok. we'll meet back here in 1 hour. ok?" i tell them and they nod.
"wow, Auradon's better than i thought." Corinne said, admiring the beautiful land. "yeah, it is." i say.

-Jane's POV-

   Mal, Evie and i were running to safety. i was running slightly ahead of them until i heated small shouts from behind me. i turned around and saw that Mal and Evie were gone. i turn back around and see Cruela De-Vil right in front of me. i panic.
"you must be Jane. i've heard all about you." she says, grabbing my arm and holding it tight. "you're coming with me."

-Carlos' POV-

   Corinne and i are running around, hoping to find our mother. when we stop to brainstorm a little, Mal and Evie jump out in front of us.
"Mal, Evie, where's Jane? is she ok?" i ask them.
"oh, Jane will be fine" Mal says in a weird voice.
"what do you mean?" i ask them and they point to the top of a tower and i see my mom holding Jane from her back. she's unconscious.
"JANE!" i yell, running towards the tower. when i get to the top, with Corinne, Mal and Evie behind me, i see my mom torturing Jane. "don't hurt her." i warn my mom.
"ahhh, a little family reunion, how sweet. i won't hurt her if you promise to be bad." she says. i think a little before saying,

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