chapter 9

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-Carlos' POV-

my mom lets Jane go, and grabs me by the collar. she forgets about Corinne, who i mouth, 'take care of her' to and she nods. my mom takes me to Ben's castle, which is covered with paw prints.
"do you want to see your friends that refused to be evil?" my mom asks me i nod meekly. she leads to a part of the castle that i've never seen before and i see that it's the dungeons. i gulp and she leads some into the dark hallway that has cells full of people with scared and tired faces. when she takes me to the end of the hall, she points to a cell at the end of the hall, i see Jay, Ben, Lonnie, Chad, Doug, and Audrey in it. they look tired and scared but change their faces when they see me to angry. i mouth, 'i'm sorry' to them and they all look understanding except for Jay. when my mom grabs my wrist and takes me out of the dungeons, she takes me outside. Corinne and Jane are out of sight but i know that Corinne's taking care of Jane.
"go find the other girls" my mom tells the evil Mal and Evie. they nod and run into the forest. she continues talking to me until we hear an ear-splitting scream come from the forest. Corinne emerges from the forest, alone.
"don't take them. take me" she says. our mom shrugs. she takes FGM's (Fairy Godmother) wand out of her jacket and points it at Corinne. she shrieks in pain when a spell hits her. i jump in front of her.
"would you really kill your own children?" i shout and she lowers the wand. "mom, i know that you want revenge. but i also know that there's some good in you! you just have to find it!" i tell her and she looks down. "why are you doing this?"
"i-i" she stutters. "i miss you guys" she whispers.
"you don't have to hurt people" i tell her. Mal, Evie, and Jane come out of the forest, the spells have worn off. "give the wand to Mal or Jane. they can fix this." i tell my mom. she carefully walks over to Mal and gives her the wand. "please fix this" she nods, waves the wand, and Auradon is restored to its natural beauty. i run over to Jane, who falls on the ground. i pull her into my arms and she starts crying.
"wh-what happened?" she asks.
"i'll explain later. right now, we need to get everyone out of the dungeons." Corinne comes over to me and Jane.
"go free them. i've got her." she tells me. i nod and run off. once i get to the dungeons, i find a key and let everyone out. i apologize to them and lead them back upstairs. everyone gets taken care of, and i spot Corinne talking to our mom. i walk over to them.
"this isn't goodbye forever." i tell my mom. the three of us hug and Ben appears behind us when we pull apart. "do you want to go back?" Ben asks our mom.
"that place is my home. i don't belong here." she says. he nods and walks off with her. Corinne and i hug.
"i missed you" she tells me.
"i missed you too." i tell her. when we pull apart, i see Jane talking to FGM. i walk over cautiously.
"hello" i say quietly. both of their heads turn to me. Jane runs over to me and kisses me. i kiss her back, forgetting that FGM was there. when we pull apart, we turn to FGM. she nods her head understandably. i take Jane's hand and run off with her. when we get inside, i'm about to start talking but she cuts me off.
"i love you, Carlos. i love you with all my heart. i don't ever want anything to get in the way of that." she says.
"i love you too" i whisper and kiss her passionately. when we pull apart, we put our foreheads together. i pull away and get down on one knee. she gasps when i take a ring box out of my pocket.
"Jane, i love you more than the world and i couldn't be happier to call you mine. Jane (A/N: what is Jane's last name?), will you marry me?" i ask, opening the box. she nods and starts jumping up and down. i stand up and she tackles me in a long kiss. when we pull apart, i put the ring on her finger and hug her. we walk outside hand-in-hand. Lonnie sees Jane and runs over and the two girls hug. when they pull apart, Jane holds up her left finger with the ring on it. Lonnie gasps and starts squealing. almost everyone looks at us and a few people run over.
"what is it? what happened?" Mal asks when she reaches us. Jane holds up her hand, showing everyone the ring. they all gasp. Jay looks at me with a smirk on his face and everyone congratulates us.

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