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High school, the only place where no one regrets to go.

A place where everything happens. A place where we not only learn to read or write, but also learn to live life at its fullest.

 A place where we make friends, foe and confide in someone. 

A place where we become what we want to.A place where every second is lived and we make memories which we cherish years later.

My school. THE MODERN HIGH SCHOOL. Since 1950. New York's one of the top schools. Can't believe its the same which I left . Going through the corridors, seeing the same desks and chairs......l still remember everything. It's been 15 years since I passed my school. Going back seems good. I went to the office and saw the hall of fame. 

The toppers of every year. All subjects:English,Mathematics,Science,SST.

The trophies school won. The photographs of every batch(mine too!). And then.....the heads of every year. 

Oh My God! They haven't removed any name since the school's  first head boy and head girl.


I started to find my own batch year's head girl."BATCH:2019-2020" I found it. Saw the name . A sudden visual floated in my mind. 

"my heart was beating so fast, that I lost the count of my own breath. "

"....The head girl of MODERN HIGH SCHOOL 2019-2020 is... "

The Principal was announcing. 

A pin drop silence was in the whole auditorium to hear the name of the next legacy holder of M.H.S. 

"...and the head girl is....."

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