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" I am sorry Shank...I didn't know the truth"

"It's okay Niya... thanks for the treat."

"Are you both done?", Debrov exclaimed in irritation.

" Are you done ? I am hungry and Niya...treat is on you . I have called everyone."

" Deb, do I really look like Jeff Bezos to you? I am not giving any thing to you."

" Besides...get ready for the exhibition", Nikki stated while seating herself beside me.

"When the hell is this insulting platform happening?", Deb asked her.

"Next Saturday", Nash exclaimed. 

"In the auditorium", Shelby answered.

I saw Rafe and Jessie cuddling each other in the side of the canteen.

" It's official now",Shank said.

" Whatever it is ....we need to complete our group project and please don't bring this buffalo to work." Debrov said pointing towards Shelby .

"You will get a slap from my shoe Debrov!!",she exclaimed.

" Fine with me buffalo...don't use your horns!!"

" Debrov, shut up!"

"We have  new love Birds in the town!", Shank said.

"Shut up!", They both said rhythmically.

Mrs.Bave ...our history teacher looks very nice ...but is a walking Hulk!

No Hulkbuster can make her human again.

"What are you doing!! Bring those planks carefully!" 

She screamed on the group of children who were carrying a history plank.

We all were preparing  the auditorium for the exhibition.

" Good afternoon Ma'am! I will work today", Jessie came and as usual used her ability to impress ma'am .

" Jessie! Glad you here! Why are you standing ? Sit down and prepare for your debate and I will make your history chart!"

She screamed on her!!

"Sorry ma'am but I will give you the chart till the end of the day."

" No! Don't give anything! Don't do anything ! Go and prepare your debate."

"Are you happy now ?", Nikki teased me.

"Actually , I am delighted!", I answered.

We both were happy watching Jessie to get a scolding...but something else happened .

Is Rafe and Shelby talking to each other ?

Me and Nikki watched each other faces in shock.

Shelby came to us. " Why are you guys looking at me like this?"

" Are you and Rafe..", I asked her.

"No! He was just asking me about our project."

I have her a dirty look.

" It's nothing Niya...besides he talked to me nicely. He is not like as you described him."

" Hey Niya ..can I talk to you?", Rafe came to me .

" What do you want?"

" I just wanted to say that you made a nice poster on History careers and those cave paintings are nice."

Really ? I am Niya and I hate him 3000.

" Thanks ...but you know what is not nice is to say rumor about me to everyone." I said this on his face and he frowned.

He walked away.

"One more thing....did you submitted your council form?", Nikki asked.

Night time.

So I got my council form and their were preferences.

I chose head girl and group captain.
The back side of the form , we had to write something about ourselves for what made us capable to be in the council.

I wrote a lot.

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