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It was Monday.

The speech day.

All candidates were present and so was Debrov, Shelby, Rafe, Shank, and Jessie.

We all were going towards the auditorium for the speech round to commence but Nikki, Nash, Adam, me and Debrov stopped near the entrance.

" Guys before we...I give away my speech....I just want to say whatever is going to happen today..let it be. If Shelby wants my speech let her steal. I don't care if Jessie is going to replace hers' with mine...but I want to see if Shelby is my friend or not."

" You're right Niya... let's see what she is going to do." Debrov said in a serious tone.

We all were talking quietly and just then Shelby passed with Rafe by her side greeting us.

" Hi Niya...Hey Nash, Adam and Nikki. Hey Deb..."

" My name is Debrov call me that else Shut up!"

" Calm down Debrov ...don't you dare talk to my girl like this." Rafe answered defending Shelby.

" You're Girl? It's been just 75 hours and she is you're GIRL!"

" Hey Deb ..lets go." Shank came and took Debrov inside and we all departed behind him.

We all were seated and Deb was looking disheartened.

" Deb...she is just being used by him...calm down. " I said.

" No..she is using you should loose your calm."

I eventually saw Shelby giving a paper to Jessie... probably my speech which was in my bag .

Oh you Scum Jessie and now you took Shelby beside you. Pretty good.

Before any event begins in the auditorium, every time all the speakers and mics are checked before hand.

We all were listening those checking sounds done by George and Diana who both assist the control room.

As they were testing mic sound through the speaker I heard a familiar sound.... correction sounds.

A recorded sound....a conversation which was familiar.

It was the canteen recording which I did through Rafe's phone!

Everyone single 11th grader heard it ... clearly.

Some sort of started looking towards me and some started looking towards Rafe and Jessie .

A sudden buzz echoed the atmosphere.

All the teachers were present there , even the Principal and the council.
Some students started to demand what the truth was and others started to look around who was playing the recording.

It was Shelby.

Rafe's phone in one hand and mic in the other... standing on stage.

Recording ended.

" The truth is out now" she said on the mic and departed backstage.

The Principal was horrified and so all the teaching faculty.

" All the students are requested to move back to their classes. Immediately!" Head girl announced and it was effective in a moment.

We all students started to move out but our group sneaked towards the backstage.

We saw all of them .

Rafe and Jessie furious even Shank was shocked.

Shelby was feeling proud with Adam, Diana and George beside her .

Jessie was going to slap Shelby but I caught her hand and twisted it.

" Don't you dare touch my girl Jessie ", I saw Shelby " You did well Shel.. I am proud of you."

She smiled and then Jessie started to scream in pain. I left her hand and saw Deb beside Shelby to protect her from Rafe.

" Niya ....I want to keep it simple...I know what we planned was an epic fail but can you tell us who told you about our meeting?" Rafe asked me in utter shock.

" was your dear dear dear sycophant.... your own pet dog....the idiot Shank!" I answered and my whole group laughed on them.

" How could you Shank...?" Jessie asked touching her wrist.

" She is lying...she knows I am your dear friend and wants to break us apart. You don't trust me! Why would I tell her about you both . She is a liar." Shank answered giving me a glare.

" And the prodigal chameleon returns.... I know Jes  you failed in your plan but you also failed in something...that's getting a friend." I said turning on my phone and making them listen the recording .

We heard it.

The trio were aghast.

" That isn't true." Shank said to both of them .

They were feeling betrayed.

" That's a difference want a team of sycophants for your fame but you will never get a true friend...." I said watching Shelby but then I saw everyone "..... correction  friends.
Because Real is rare but ....I think you like plastic that's why you  both are stuck together.."

" It was all your fault Rafe...all is yours .... I said he was useless but you didn't listen...." Jessie said pointing towards Shank ignoring me.

She marched out with Rafe trying to make her up and Shank giving me a glare again and departed behind them with a bowed head.

We all laughed towards them and then the lovebirds started.

" Deb I am sorry if I hurt you... but I had to do this so that I could save Niya..." Shelby started but Deb cut her.

" It's OK I understand....well I am sorry too if I was mean to you."

They both were close .

Giggles filled their tension and their lips met.

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