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After making decisions and a new friend, Mrs. S, our new class teacher arrived.

She gave us greetings about the new sessions and the school started.

After a few hours, I saw a new boy with Jessie. A tall, dark complexion and quirky hair styled.

"Hi", that boy came to me.

"Hi", I said surprisingly.

"I'm Shank, I'm new to your school."

"Oh", I said by watching another boy near Jessie who looked comfortable with her.

"That's Rafe", he said noticing me, "he is new too, but he is a childhood friend of Jessie....she is so sweet."

"Yeah she is", I said in sarcastic tone....probably he understood.

"By the way, I'm Niya. She is Nash, Nikki and Shelby. She's new too."

The sudden introduction finished and then a tall, fair complexion , specy, thin boy stood next to me. I wondered who he was but he started. "Hi, I'm Rafe", I saw him in suspicion, why did Jessie sent her pawn to me? "You probably guessed it right, Jessie's childhood friend, must be Shank who told you."

"Yes, nice to meet you. Well I have my computer class, so excuse me."

"Excused. Have a nice day."

He went away. But he seemed a bit arrogant to me, so he...never mind, I won't think about him again.


Two weeks passed since the session had started. I, Shelby and the girls became good friends, also Shank...he is a monster! He eventually ate my whole lunch, because his mother doesn't give him good food (according to him). Life was good till now.

I have new friends, new life...but I noticed that Shank hangs out with Jessie and Rafe. I wondered why? Maybe she is using him to dig me out? Maybe she is playing positive.

Conclusion-I have to stop thinking about that bitch and his new puppy.

There was an announcement-"All the students who want to go in the fund raising program kindly submit your name to your class teachers.

We all submitted our names but while doing this, we caught Jessie and Rafe's name on the top of the list.

"They both are going to ruin the program. "I whispered to Nash.

Next day of school.

Mrs. S. addressed the students who was looking serious.

"Due to some transportation issue, only a few students from our class are selected to go the fund raising program. The names are- Adele, Lenni, Vipro, Hyna,  Amanda, Jessie and Rafe."

I gasped. What the hell was happening in the school? Who selected these people? Nash was shocked, Nikki in rage, even Shelby was serious.

Shank told me that the teachers selected their favorite students. That day I lost faith in all the teachers. Never mind life goes on.

The program was for 2 days and the students who went there were not able to get the class notes.

That night I was in my room, doing my homework.

Beep beep!!

I checked my phone for the message:

Hi Niya!

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