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4TH April 2019. The day where my new life begins! My high school. I'm so happy that I woke up almost 15 mins earlier than usual.

"Mom! I can't find uniform! I will be late on the first day of school! mom!"

 "Niya, stop screaming. The dress is on your bed",mom answered from the kitchen.

" Yeah, I got it. Sorry for the inconvenience."

"OK, get ready and come for breakfast." 

"Yes." I was in my room.I got dressed quickly.

 Niya Lenner. That's me. The only daughter of Mr and Mrs Lenner. My mom is a teacher in a nearby high school and my dad is a businessman. My life is pretty good and today was the best day.

 I went down in the dining room and saw my dad reading newspaper, properly dressed for his work.

"Morning daddy", I kissed his cheek to greet him.

 "Morning princess", he kissed mine back.

 I ate oats and drank milk quickly and went outside of my house to wait for my school van.

 "15 minutes late as usual",I muttered under my breath watching time in my wrist watch.

 Finally after a long wait, my van came and I saw my school mates.

 Oh! gross , it is a difficult task to find a seat, but never mind I got mine near the window.

 "Hi Niya", said the girl sitting in my front.

"Oh! hi Adele",  I said. Adele Jest, a small height fair girl with a attractive set of braces in her mouth who wore specs and who disgusted me as usual.

"Last night my father gave me this wrist watch, see its better than yours probably", she said flaunting her hand in front of me.

"Congrats, but my watch is the best as I don't flaunt it unnecessarily ",I said.

She was not in a mood of rebuke but she understood my tone. She is Adele after all, the girl who flaunts every single thing and the girl everybody hates. Well no one said this on her face! She is a girl who doesn't do any work but takes credit herself. Conclusion: I hate her!

 The ride  was good. Peaceful I must say. I got out of my van and went in my new classroom.

 Grade 11th. 

 Yes, my future is here.

 I went in, took the 2nd seat and waited for my friends to arrive.

 But, I saw her .....the girl with straight back walking like a Queen:

 Jessie Sent.

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