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I was in the stadium. Crying. Generally I don't breakdown but today was the most humiliating moment I experienced.


Someone sat beside me. The sound was familiar.

"What the hell are you doing here Shank?!!"

"I came to know what happened in the I came to check upon you...."

"You came to check upon me?? To see that the damage is already done!! I knew it was your plan to defame me with a cause...but why does it matter to you?? You are one of the sycophants of Jessie and Rafe.... And as a result you want fame but you can't get it as you don't have a spine!!", I lashed out at him.

He was shocked to see like that and he started to depart.

"Listen Niya...whatever is happening that's not my fault. Yes I told Jessie about it...."

"You told Jessie about it.....its music to my ears. What would I expect from a spineless person who can go so down just to defame me!!", I cut him in between.

"Niya, I am not spineless and stop shouting on me!"

"Stop shouting on you Shank? You are the only reason of this whole mess and no one is going to clear it out!!"

"Fine then!! I am going!"

"I never told you to come and meet me!"

He departed. Just then Nash and Shelby came to me.

"What happened between you and Shank now?" , Shelby exclaimed.

"She's is not in a mood", Nash snapped at her.

"What are you guys doing here?", I asked in my calm tone(which was hard to keep).

"We know that you don't want to meet anyone....but Shank told me something in the class...",Nash started, "...yes it was him who told Jessie about it....but he asked her for the date previously, before you and she denied. Then Jessie gave him the idea to ask you out.

And he did...which means that Shank is innocent and I think he came to you for clearing up the mess .....But you created a new one I guess."

"Shit!", I gave my reaction.

How could I do this ...? I just created a whole new mess.

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