Chapter 7

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Important!!!! The main character used to be named NATE well Now It's Sam.
I just switched their characters!!

I never cry,but here I am kneeling in front of 2 open lockers crying. I sit there and take all my stuff out of my locker and then do the same to Catherine's. I get up and slam my locker shut and then kick Cat's shut. I pick up all these things that seem so useless and worthless now and find a garbage bag to put them in. I am going to take them to Dallas with us and I will put all these things in my locker the same way. I slide down the railing of the stairs and I end up in front of theater. I sit the bag down and walk in the auditorium and look around. I run to the stage and get up there and stand in the middle. I get up there and the lights turn on and I am thinking I need to sing a song now. And no I am not gay..... And if I was singing it would be rap. I think about my favorite songs and choose to sing "Love Robbery" i start singing it and the football coach from Alabama.
,Nick Sabin walks in. Now I am just embarrassed😁😁😁. He walks up the stage towards me.

I look at him stick my hand out while saying," Hello sir."

He looks at me and returns the smile and sticks his hand out. We stand there shaking hands until he says." We would love for you to come to Alabama and your sister too."

I smiled and say," Really? Thanks so much!"

He looks at me and laughs," Btw great singing and I am not kidding!" He walks out of the auditorium leaving me there speechless. Well I sit down on the stage thinking about all the things that have happened to me. I just can't believe all of these good things have happpned.

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