ok so like self help time!

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this book is a book of poetry i have based on my life through a couple of sentences and witty (ok maybe only witty/funny to me but still) titles.
a lot about this book is about when my mam/mum/mom/mother or however you lot say it, died.
when she died i was going through a real bad place and some of this poetry is about that!
i'm getting through it and i want all of you to get through it too!
so i was surfing the internet and found this:
30 Movies That Have Helped People Through Depression
fitting isn't it.
so here they are:

1. "It's Kind of a Funny Story"
"It's actually the movie that helped me realize I had a problem, and every time I watch it I feel like I'm not alone in this, that there are so many others living with a mental illness and it's totally possible to feel good while having it" — Anna V.
(with my fave emma roberts in it!)
2. "Frozen"
"I identify with Elsa so much — [how she] holds it all in and [feels] the guilt of hurting family — wanting to escape and being so afraid and cold." — Giselle M.
(you will see a quote from frozen in the sequel ;), just a way to let the inner child within me!)
3. "The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King"
"Sam's speech to Frodo at the end gets me every time. When Frodo feels hopeless that anything will ever be OK again, Sam tells him: 'There's some good in the world, Mr. Frodo, and it's worth fighting for.'" — Lauren H.
(i've never seen this film, i'm not into all that, like not to stereotype or anything, but i don't really like nerdy films, like i tried watching this and star wars and i didn't  liked both)
4. "Back to the Future"
"It's just so awesome. It really helped me when I was going through really horrible anxiety many times. I love how it just transports you into this other world." — Bethany L.
(a film i want to see but have no time!
hey don't angry at me for not watching it, i'm too busy doing nothing!)
5. "Big Hero 6"
"It shows I am not alone, and that other people feel the exact same way. It shows people will always love you and support you, that you will never be alone." — Danielle F.
6. "Legally Blonde"
"It might seem silly, but I love Elle Wood's positivity and 'can-do' attitude." — Lauren J.
(wow i feel so uncultured having never seen any of these films. strange seen as tho i'm never off netflix, prime, now tv, etc.)
7. "The Breakfast Club"
"I'm a film buff so there's a number of films I could pick. 'The Breakfast Club' was a favorite of mine during my school days because I was a bit of an outcast in high school and I empathized with the characters in it — especially Bender and Brian." — Magnus G.
(as you may be able to tell I LOVE IT)
8. "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone"
"The series was such a huge part of my childhood. A lot of the good times consisted of watching those movies. It takes you away to a whole different world!" — Christa M.
(or philosophers stone if you're like me and english!)
9. "Moana"
"Despite all the cheerful music, it has a lot of intense parts in it that make you really think about how you react to certain situations. [I love] how everyone tells her she can't do it but she had one person tell her she could. When she was knocked down, her grandmother said if she wanted to give up she would still be proud of her." —Lindsay R.
(yep i love it!)
10. "The Princess Bride"
"It makes me laugh every single time and everything about it is magical. I had the privilege of meeting Cary Elwes two years ago and it made my day!" — Bailey S.
(omg congrats on meeting her! i have no idea who that is but well done!
i love the princess diaries, so much so i have a mia thermopolis quote in lady marigold!)
11. "Perks of Being a Wallflower"
"It reminds me I'm not in this fight alone, there are others fighting the same fight and people just don't know it, just like people don't know it about me." — Shelly M.
(my favourite film of all time and yea, this film helped me through depression too and i would 100% recommend to watch, because yeah, it is dead good for people battling through depression or if you have nowt to watch)
12. "Enchanted"
"[It's] harmless fun that leaves you feeling all warm and squishy on the inside, even on the days when warm and squishy seems like a pipe dream." — Lydia A.
(makes me sadder cause it reminds that i don't have a prince! :(, but it's still a good film)
13. "10 Things I Hate About You"
"It makes me laugh and it also helps me feel being different is OK. [It reminds me] strong women can and will succeed, and that you can find someone who loves you despite everything." — Alyssa B.
14. "Inside Out"
"Not only does it represent an 11-year-old girl with deep, complex emotions, it helped (helps) me recognize I am not alone in what I am going through. And unlike other Disney movies, the 'just think positive and everything will work out' motif is overridden by the idea that allowing yourself to express sadness is just as important as expressing happiness. One of my favorite qualities about this movie is its ability to show your feelings are valid and even when you're at your worst, an unexpected good can come out of the seemingly bad." — Rachel H.
(lmao me n my sister went to see this at the cinemas, and she gave me some hand cream, but then i went to open my doritos and they wouldn't open and i was so loud and i was getting nasty looks rofl how embarrassing)
15. "Silver Linings Playbook"
"In a way, it tells me that you can always bounce back and the journey is what matters, not the results or accomplishing big things... and you can let love find you even in the most unexpected places or people. And it's all about trying to see the silver lining..." — Mary J.
(never have i ever..... never seen this movie *drinks shot aggressively*
16. "Harold and Maude"
"[This movie] teaches you how to embrace life, it allows you to visualize yourself as Harold — one of the main characters — and how he finds his meaning [in] living and loving life." — Luis C.
(who and who?)
17. "Pride and Prejudice" (2005)
"I've watched it so many times when I haven't been able to get out of bed. It makes me laugh and cry, and it has beauty and love throughout. Sometimes I'll just listen to the musical score, and it makes me feel better." — Kayla S.
(he's got too much pride, she's got too much prejudice, it all makes sense
-sheldon cooper)
18. "Good Will Hunting"
"My favorite quote [is]: 'You'll have bad times, but it'll always wake you up to the good stuff you weren't paying attention to.'" — Tiffani M.
(nope never seen this one!)
19. "Matilda"
"'Matilda' is my all time favorite movie. Anytime I'm depressed, anxious or just sad, I watch it. It was a childhood favorite and I find great comfort watching it." — Cherish I.
(hmmm it's ok)
20. "Mulan"
"Any Disney movie, but if I had to pick one , it would be Mulan. The movie and songs inspire me to get up, fight back and never ever give up [on] or underestimate myself. Disney movies in general remind me I should never stop believing." — Harleen A.
(funny story:
my cousin went to disney world dressed as mulan and she started to cry because no one asked for her signature, because she saw mickey mouse etc giving out signatures and she started to cry lmao)
21. "Forrest Gump"
"I can latch on to the depressing moments and connect emotionally to combat the numbness. Then when the happy/joyful parts occur, I naturally follow the progression and feel better." — Stacey L.
(ℝ𝕌ℕ 𝔽𝕆ℝℝ𝔼𝕊𝕋 ℝ𝕌ℕ! my heart omg. i love it)
22. "Soul Surfer"
"Soul Surfer never fails to make me feel better when I am depressed. Watching Bethany come to see God's bigger plan for her life and fight her way back from a devastating injury helps to put my life back into prospective and give me at least a ray of sunlight in the dark." — Tabitha Z.
(not gonna lie i've never heard of it!)
23. "50 First Dates"
"[I] love the idea of a fresh start every [day] and the never-ending commitment of the important people in your life every day. Plus it just cracks me up every time!" — Sim S.
(my sister loves it loads but i haven't had the pleasure of watching it!)
24. "The Lion King"
"It takes me back to my childhood, back to when things were simple. It takes me back to a time when I knew I was happy and reminds me I will get back to that place." — Jess F.
(me, simba and the shower i love it sooo much!)
25. "Ever After"
"[Danielle] has to save herself every single time and no matter how hard her life is or how mean people are, she remains strong and kind and she refuses to let anyone make her bitter." — Devon B.
(again never seen it)
26. "Eat, Pray, Love"
"Watching a woman go from total ruin to happiness helps me have hope. The journey she takes is chalk full of wisdom and humor. It's gives me a nice boost on a bad depression day. Plus the images of gorgeous beaches and even more gorgeous plates of spaghetti are tremendously satisfying." — Clara B.
(never seen it!)
27. "Twilight"
"People [may] judge me for this, but I love watching the 'Twilight' series when I'm feeling down. I love them." — Laura C.
(same #teamedward even tho i'd pay a million pounds to see jacob topless)
28. "Sister Act"
"It's such a feel good movie with no hint of a love story — [it] never fails to cheer me up! Plus, who doesn't love a bit of Whoopi Goldberg?" — Claire P.
(i loved that and the sequel!)
29. "The Holiday"
"I was very sick for a month and had three surgeries but despite that, this movie lifted my spirits all the time. I have so many memories that make me so happy because of this movie." — Sarah E.
(nope haven't seen)
30. "Finding Neverland"
"It reminds me of how beautiful of an escape the imagination can be. And it is a nice way to show people you can care for others even if you aren't related to them." — Kim H.
(never had the pleasure of watching it!)

this was from the website 'the mighty'!

that's the thirty, i hoped you liked them and yea, keep checking this chapter because i will update it with more self help shit!
but seriously, if you are dealing with depression please message me for a rant or a talk or just friend. i'm always here!
i will post on my wattpad when i update this so it'll be on there.
have a nice day :)

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