Prove it.

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I woke up in a quiet room, where a woman a little older than me was working on something on the counter next to a taller man. "How many pills almost made it into her digestive system?" The man asked. "26." She sighed. "So it couldn't have been an accident." The guy said. They both looked at each other. "Who is here with her? We'll have to tell them she attempted suicide." She said.

Quickly, I cleared my throat. "Oh! You're awake." the lady smiled, turning to me. They gave each other a quick glance before the man exited the room, quietly. She pulled up a chair next to my bed. "Sweetie, would you be comfortable telling me what happened?" She asked, laying her hand on top of mind. I let out a large breath. "I attempted suicide. That's what happened." I pulled my hand from hers, and began playing with my fingers. There was a long pause. "Is there anyone here, at the hospital who will take you home. And get you some help?" She asked quietly. "Um can we not talk about family and home. That's kind of the reason for all of this." I said, sitting up taller. "Ya ya sorry." She quickly said, standing up and pushing her chair back where it goes. "Well, I'm supposed to take you down the hall, into a new room and to check if your able to move okay." She put on a fake smile and walked back over to me.

I swung my legs over the side and took her arm, I now noticed that I'm wearing a polka dotted gown, and I'm hooked to one of those stands you see people walking around with in hospitals in movies. She began walking, taking me with her and to be honest I feel the same. Stomach still okay, limbs still strong, heart still shattered. All the same.

We walked down the long hall and I watched my feet the entire time. We began slowing down, and thats when I heard my name. "Addie!" I look up to see James, jogging over to me. He was in tears. I've never seen him cry like this. "Addie, love promise me this won't happen again." He held me so tight my eyes were almost popping out of my head. I stayed silent, hugging him back.


I settled into the hospital bed, the room all quiet other than James pulling his chair up next to me.

"Are you Hungry? Thirsty?" James asks. "A little hungry." I whimper like a 3 year old. He nodded, "I'll be back." He smiled, hurrying out of the room. I sat in the silent room, everything looks so clean and pristine.

My thoughts were shattered when the door slung open, revealing a panting Jai. "Addie." He says. We stay silent for a second, staring at each other. He set the backpack he was carrying gently down against the wall, as I watch him. I show no emotion as he sits down next to me on the bed. "Addie I have to tell you something." He says just above a whisper. I give a slight nod, gesturing for him to continue.

"I am so sorry that May has done all of this. I'm so mad I didn't see it." His fists clenched in his lap. "Jai I didn't do this because of May." I laughed at how clueless he is.

His eyebrows furrowed, showing he's confused. "Jai do you know what it feels like to have the person you love more than anything, and they did too, love someone else the same way." I sighed. Jai stayed silent. "Jai I did this because I love you. I love you so much. And I rather die than watch you love someone else everyday." A few tears slipped, but I am too tired to get all of them out. "Addie that's what I need to tell you."

"I love you too. I never stopped loving you." Jai shouted happily, standing up. "Jai," "Jai." "Jai!" I shouted, as he rambled on about how everything can go back to normal. "You don't have to lie to me anymore." I whispered. "But that's just it! I love you Addie, I love you more than anything." He said, kneeling next to me. I just shook my head, "prove it." I whispered. Quickly, Jai stood up, rushing to his backpack.

When he turned around, he held the teddy bear. But one hand was behind his back.

He brought his hand, slowly to the front. He held the 'meaningless' rose that I told him to keep at the airport. The little red rose from so long ago.

"Jai how..." I began. "Addie everyday since you were gone I kept this rose in my windowsill. I watered it everyday because I knew if I let this rose die, I would be letting you go. And I never want to let you go Addie."

I stood from my bed, walking to Jai. I took the bear and rose, and let a tear fall onto the delicate petals. "Jai, I love you so much." I began. I was shocked when Jai quickly crashed our lips together, and I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling myself closer.

We slowly pulled away, resting our foreheads against each other. "I have been waiting so long to do that." Jai whispered. We both laughed a little, before i rested my head on his chest. "Forever and always my princess." He whispered.

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