Evies past

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Trigger warnings: manipulation, belittlement, slut-shaming, humiliation, warped ideology of love and men and women and forced sex.

The squishy faced blue haired toddler sat on her large bed.
"Evie, Darling." Her mother called before entering her daughters room.
"Yes mama?" The toddler smiled.
"Your ugly!" Her mother was blunt and her daughters brow creased.
"I not ugly." Evie replied softly.
"Yes you are but don't fear we can fix that." Evie nodded as her mother cupped her chubby cheek.

"Let's start off simple grab your foundation." The three year old frowned before reaching for a tube of skin coloured stuff.
"Well done now pump some out onto the back of your hand and dip you foundation brush in it and apply it evenly all over your face." The evil queen instructed. Evie did as she was told.
"Now contour, grab your contour palette." Evie's brow furrowed but she reached for what she believed to be contour how ever it was eye shadow.
"No you stupid little hag. That's eye shadow your pathetic and are never going to be loved." She yelled slapping the child across her face.
"I sorry mummy." The girl cried. Her mother dragged Evie by the hair to the sink. The evil queen then proceeded to water board Evie and scrub her face raw with a sponge.
"Try it again if you mess up we will keep repeating this." 5 times Evie was slapped, water boarded and scrubbed raw. The toddler needs to look perfect in order to be loved that's what the evil queen would mutter as her baby flailed about unable to breathe properly.

"See now darling someone one day may actually love you now." The evil queen held her daughter so she could see the little girl. The girl who couldn't even write her name but could now recite the order her makeup must go in, also she knew the difference between contour, concealer and foundation, she had learned when to use powder and when to use liquids.

The the mother and daughter sat on Evie's bed. "Mama will I get to marry someone I love?"
"Don't be ridiculous. You will marry but you might not love who I choose for you to marry." The mother brushed her daughters hair.
"I don't want to marry someone I don't love." The five year old commented.
"Well let me tell you something." Her mother tugged sharply on the child hair. "In this world, on this isle. You are livestock and property. I will negotiate with your future husband and he would purchase you as a princess you are worth a bit. You will be required to have sex regularly and clean and cook and be his servent and raise his children . He will be able to punish you as well."
"But I don't want that." She frowned.
"Do you want to be old, ugly, spinster who no one even cares about?" He mother questioned.
"No." She fiddled with her fingers.
"So you will obey and one day you will make a prince very happy." Her mother convinced her daughter.

Evie cowered away. She couldn't comprehend how her mother forgot to invite Mal. She may not be overly fond of her but she certainly didn't want to face Maleficents wrath.
"How dare you not invite my daughter?" The evil Faerie glared at her mother. She grabbed Evie's blue hair pulled out a knife and dragged it on the six year olds arm. Evie screamed in pain crying out for her mother. No one moved everyone watched as the child was tourtured.
"Mom stop!" Mal called she hated seeing people get punished but with on glare from her mother green eyes Mal sank back into the crowd.
"Mommy!" Evie screamed so loud she hoped it would reach Auradon.
"You are officially uninvited from the rest of the isle you are to be exiled for a decade." Maleficent threw the girl at her mother's feet.
"What about food and basic supplies?" The Evil queen asked picking up Evie who clutched her kitten tight to her chest.
"They will be delivered daily now go before I realise my full anger on your daughter!"

The evil queen scampered away heading straight home. Evie looked at her arm.
Uninvited. That word was now carved into her porcelain flesh.
"This is your fault if you weren't born the you wouldn't have need a party and the I wouldn't be exiled." The Evil Queen ranted.
"My fault I told you to invite her." Evie thought out loud she instantly clamped a hand over it. The Evil Queen grasped at Evie bleeding arm. She twisted it giving her six year old a Chinese burn. The fresh blood smeared across her arm.
"Never talk to me like that you selfish little brat."

Eight year old Evie sat in her bed reading. It was a hobby she hid from her mom. She usual got an hour or two of secret reading during her mother's beauty sleep. She was meant to be napping as well. She would rather stay awake reading the books that she would take from the library. She enjoyed the ones her mother often locked away these were the Auradon tales that her mom would throw in the fire during one of her melt downs.

Evie had only a few that she kept stashed away under a floor board in her room. The little mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella. If anyone even thought about reading one of these and someone found out they would be better of dead. Evie loved these tales though. The romance, escape from their wicked guardians, the adventure. However she hated the fact that while Ariel escaped Ursula, Belle and Beast escaped Gaston and Cinderella escaped lady Tremaine and her step sisters, she was stuck on the isolated island with them. What was worse she was stuck alone in this house with only her mother and cat for company.

Evie was lost in France she was watching in anticipation and angst as Gaston was about to kill the beast. Evie was torn she wanted the beast to win and be with belle and live happily ever after however she wanted him for to die as he has left them to rot. She is shook back to reality when her bedroom door slams open.
"I've been calling for you for 15 minutes!" the evil queen froze when she saw what the terrified girl sat clutching.
"What the fuck are you reading?" She ripped it front Evie hands.
"I was curious I'm sorry I was going to burn it after I swear." Evie tried to reason however the Evil Queen knew when she was being lied to by Evie.
"Liar!" She screamed grabbing the child by her hair.
"Mommy!" Evie cried she was dragged over to the fireplace where her mom pushed her in the embers.
"If you are enjoying the stories of these princesses." She said the last word voice dripping with sarcasm. "Then you will live like them. Until I say so you are not allowed to speak and you will be sleeping among the cinders." Her mother the struck the girl across the face the beauty and the beast. I eight year old sobbed in pain.
"You are going to die alone and unwanted know man will wants a smart wife, you only need in life is to look beautiful, serve your future husband, bare his children, cook and clean. You are nothing more then livestock." The evil queen lifted up her daughters chin. "If you want to be loved and be a true princess then you need to be a dumb obedient slut ."

The child brought her mother dinner she was silent she never spoke

Evie was 15 when her mother decided it was time to teach her sex education especially with the banishment lifting in a few months.

"Your only assets are your looks. In order for guys to love you they must lust for you. No guy likes a tease or a prude. If you seduce a guy you must put out. You submit and let him do whatever he wants to you. Evie spitters are quitters." She explained Evie nodded her head.

Months later Evie was starting school. Many guys payed interest in Evie. She remembered her mother's rules and tips. She found a good looking guy. Gaston. Evie flirted with him and asked if he wanted to go somewhere alone. He nodded and asked if his twin could come she agrees knowing that's what he wanted. They find an empty classroom. Evie proceeds to give blow jobs and has sex with both boys at once. She lets them do what they like even giving them anal despite the pain. She just kept thinking that her mother would be proud as she let the twins use her like a toy.

During History, Evie overhears some girls giggling behind her back.
"What's your problem?" She asks.
"Our problem is that your a cheap whore." The first girl spat.
"I heard she let them both put it in her ass at the same time." The second girl added.
"Where did you hear that?" Evie asked in shock.
"The Gaston twins telling everyone about how you begged them for a threesome."A guy added.

"You stupid desperate slut." The evil queen screeches as she bursts in the room.
"Mom?" Evie is grabbed by the hair and dragged into the hallway. A crowd was gathering.
"You are clearly nothing more then a horny Hooker. So strip here and now!" The Queen glared at her daughter.
"But mommy?" Evie whined.
"Now Evie." Evie did as she was told striping to her underwear. "All the way." Evie continued until she was butt naked.
"You are to remain like this at school all day then walk home so the isle can know what a worthless Tart you are." The queen snatched the clothes and left for home.

Throughout the day Evie was felt up and groped my numerous teachers and students. She received calls of abuse on the way home.

A guy even pushed her against an alley wall and forced her to have sex with him. She screamed for help but people just gathered and watched cheering and yelling derogatory comments at her.

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