Jays Life

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I'm so sorry this took SOOO long. I made a promise to get this done by the end of January and I broke that promise but better late the never right? I'm sorry I just really struggled with writers block for this fanfic. I promise you won't have to wait as long for the rest.

Trigger warnings:sexual abuse, sodimiation rape, torture, imprisonment, incest.
"Papa?" Jay asked walking towards the counter, the boy was tall could easily have been mistaken for a 8 year old and not the innocent 4 year old he was.
"What is it Jay?" Jafar snapped polishing a lamp.
"I have a booboo." Jay lifted his dirt covered hand up towards Jafar to show a small cut on his finger. Jafar grabbed the boys arm and pushed him backwards into the display of lamps. The lamps fell to the floor some denting. Jafar started screaming profanities at Jay. The child began sobbing in fear
"You worthless piece of shit!" Jafar screamed dragging the boy by his arm to the back wall.
"I didn't mean to papa." Jay cried his long greasy and matted locks covered his face. His father shackled him to the wall. Jafar then went to check on his lamps returning with 5 dented ones.
"You blubbering idiot you have broke 5 lamps." Jafar growled as he began throwing the lamps at Jay.  The boy curled into a ball attempting to become a smaller target.

"You will stay attached to that wall for each day you broke a lamp. That's 5 days." Jafar growled.
"What about food and water?" Jay asked. Jafar disappeared for a few minutes returning with 2 pet bowls. He placed them on the floor. Jay was feed dog food and filthy green water. He was sick from disease for weeks after. All the boy could think about was how much he missed his mother.
It was Jays first looting. His father had randomly woke him up and told him to go out and bring him some stuff. Jay hadn't any practice in stealing anything except food. He had managed a broken clock, 5 loafs of mouldy bread, a few bruised apples and used needles. Jay figured the needles could be reused.

Jay quickly entered the shop his father sprung to his side excited to see what he stole. Jay smiled excitedly hoping to finally feel Jafars pride and love.
"Junk, junk, junk!" Jafar stated as he threw the stuff out the bag. "Where's my lamp?
"I'm sorry Papa I tried but I couldn't get one without getting caught." Jay confessed.
"You useless brat! All you bring me is crap and Needles." Jafar slapped Jay hard across the cheek the child fought back the tears the brimmed at his eyes as his cheek burned from pain.
"I'm sorry I thought you could resell them." Jay explained his father shackled him to the wall.

"Your right son I can reuse them." Jafar cooed walking back over with the needles. Jay brimmed with pride his father said he had done right. "I can use them for your punishment!" Jays smile vanished from his face.
"Please Papa!" He begged but Jay advance prodding the child and extracting his blood. He then squirted the warm red liquid on Jays face.

Jafar reached out a slim hand and smeared the blood over the boys face. He then stabbed the boy again extracting more blood.
"Open you mouth boy." Jafar growled Jay clamped his mouth and shook his head.
"Open it now before I stab this needle into your eye!" Jafar shouted Jay forced himself to open his mouth slightly. "Wider! Good boy!" Jafar growled and Jay complied once his mouth was wide open Jafar sprayed the blood to the back of Jays throat. "Swallow it!"  Jay sobbed and he did as instructed.
"What would your beautiful mother think if she could see that have beloved son is nothing more than a useless blood whore!" Jafar sneered stabbing Jay again.
"Papa stop now please I don't feel to good." Jay begged
"What are you?" Jafar asked stabbing the boy again. "Tell me and I will stop!"
"A filthy blood whore!" Jay sobbed shortly after passing out from the pain.
Jafar was angry and frustrated it  was coming up to the anniversary of Jays mothers death and he hadn't had a lamp in over 2 weeks. Jay was fast asleep curled up shackled against the wall beaten bruised. Jafar felt like Jay had gotten off the lightly with his punishment. He had caught the 12 year old flirting instead of stealing.

Jafar approached the sleeping boy. He yanked down his trouser turning his attention to the 12 year old he then grabbed his trouser and pulled them down. Jay began to stir he was an extremely heavy sleeper. Jafar quickly lined up his penis with the boys anus and forced his way inside. Jay woke up screaming in pain trying to get away but it was no use Jafar had him pinned against the floor as he moved in and out of the small child.

"Dad get off me! Please it hurts!" Jay screamed.
"You are to shut up and take daddy like the good little slut you are." Jafar whispered into Jays ear. Jafar knew even on the isle this was frowned upon he had to keep Jay from telling anyone.
"But I hurts!" Jay whispered in pain.
"If you do what Daddy tells you then I will be so proud of you and you'll be such a good boy." Jafar knew deep down Jay still craved his affection.
"Ok." Jay mutated giving in knowing he wasn't going to win.
"Ok what?" Jafar ordered.
"Ok da...daddy." Jay muttered.
"Good boy. Now open your mouth for daddy. Like a good slut." Jafar commanded pulling out of the child. Jay thought about arguing but knew better he complied as his father pushed his member in the boys mouth after a few strokes he came in the boys mouth. Jay held back sobs.
"Now swallow." Jafar closed Jays mouth and watch Jay swallow.
"Good boy. Now go back to sleep and when you wake up I will unshackle you because you were so good." Jafar smirked walking away.
Jay was watching the shop while his father was sleeping out back. Carlos De Vil  came in. Jay knew he was attracted to girls but he was also attracted to Carlos. The fourteen year old watched the scared 12 year old shuffle around the shop. Carlos finally approached the till.
"5 packet of cigarettes." Carlos asked Jay got out the 5 packets.
"$4.35." Jay informed with a charming smile.
"Shit she didn't give me enough. She's gonna kill me!" Carlos muttered to himself.
"How much you got Kid?" Jay asked.
"3.40. I don't even have enough for 4 packets." Carlos confessed biting his lip starting to tear up. Jay glanced at his fathers sleeping form.
"Ok just give me the money and take the five my father probably won't notice. But for future reference check you have the money before leaving next time or bring something you can trade." Jay whispered to Carlos.
"Thank you thank you thank you." Carlos beefed jumping over the counter to hug the older and taller boy.
"Now best it kid before I change my mind." Jay whispered biting back a smile until Carlos left.

Jafar had decided to do stock check for once that month Jay was unaware as he sat trying to do his homework if he didn't do it he would be held back a year and he could the the gastons our smart him.

"Jay!" A voice boomed Jay quickly bolted to his father.
"What's wrong dad?" Jay asked trying to hide his fear in his voice.
"We are missing two packets of cigarettes!" Jafar growled, Jay gulped.
"Are you sure?" Jay asked.
"Yes I'm sure. Now I know your responsible!" Jafar grabbed Jays long mane pulling the boy to the back of the shop this time he shackled him to the desk Jay had been doing his work.

The boy was bent over the desk. Jafar came back with a whip. "One strike for cent you robbed me of. That's 174 lashes. Count them!" Jafar instructed and began to whip Jay. This whip had metal hook on the end thar clawed at Jays skin Jays back was covered in blood by the time they had reached 174.

Jay hoped his punishment was over that was until Jafar. Pull down his underwear and trousers. Jafar then forced his way inside his son. Ignoring, Jays muffles cries of pain as he went.

Jay knew it would be over sooner if he just let his father use him. He had given up fighting back years ago. When Jafar had finished he came on his sons wounded and ripped bare back he then proceeded to mixed the blood and seamen together.
"You are to stay like that for 24 hours." Jafar insisted pulling a curtain to conceal the boy for customers sights.

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