Show time

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"Are you four sure about this?" Fairy Godmother asked concerned.
"They need to know what children and adults have to face on the isle." Mal commented Evie, Jay and Carlos nodding behind her.
"If someone had done this to get us off the isle sooner then maybe..." Evie grabbed Douges hand.
"we wouldn't have gone through what you are going to see." Jay had his arm wrapped around Carlos' shoulder.
"How graphic is this going to be?" Ben asked.
"The audience is age restricted. seniors and adults only. It's going to be graphic and  uncensored." Carlos explained.
"So who's going first?" Fairy Godmother asked nervously. Mal looked at the group they all held their own reservations about this but were willing to do it.
"I will." She had to be the leader especially now she was going to be queen and this is partly her idea.

"Can you all take your seats!" Prince Ben called as he entered on stage.
"You are about to watch something that many of you if not all of us will find disturbing. Feel free to leave if this gets to much but we do urge you to stay as this is very important. Please be sympathetic to Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos after this film." And with that he exited the stage.

"I'll be right here ok? the whole time." Ben whispered to Mal who sat in the chair.
"Ready Darling?" Fairy Godmother asked.
"Ready." With that Fairy Godmother cast the spell and the show began.

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