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Jay and Carlos were both sobbing as they remembered that month.
"I love you Carlos." Jay mumbled kissing Carlos head.
"I know Jay I know. I love you too." Carlos returned.
"I think we should go out there and explain, What just happened."Mal suggested the group nodded.

The core four walked out the crowed was silent.
"Um hi." Mal started. "What you just saw was our memories. How we grew up on the isle. We chose a few to show. So you could see how children on the isle are treated. We need to free the other children. The other victims of the isle." Mal started.

"They are sat over there wishing to be saved. So we want you all to think about your childhood and to compare it to ours. Would which would you prefer? Yours right. So we are asking for most of you to open your castle to atleast one child of the isle. Please don't punish them for there parents mistakes. Because chances are there parents have punished them enough for being born." Evie begged.

"If someone had stood her two weeks before we showed up. Mals baby might still be alive. If someone stood up here 1 year before we showed up Evie wouldn't have been Raped as people watched and cheered.If someone had stood up here two years before we arrived Jay wouldn't have been repeatedly rape and molested by his father. If someone had stood up here 4 years before we arrived I wouldn't had been pimped out as a sex slave by my own mother." Carlos explained.
"Please, Ben is launching a program as we speak where you can chose a child or children and foster them." Jay stated.

The next Day Ben had received many requests for children of the isle to be sent to many palaces. Practically every child was adopted. Ben had Fairy godmother create another isle. This way the men and women where separated meaning no more kids would be born on the isle. His next steps would be interviewing the children and reviewing the crimes of every villian on the isle then him and his counciling composed of Himself, Mal, His mother, Evie, Fairy godmother, Jay, His father and Carlos, would decide if the villains could be reinstated into Auroradon and if so what the program would be to help.

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