Carlos' childhood

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Trigger warnings:homophobia, slavery, neglect, physical abuse, neglect, forced prostitution.
"Up! Up! Up!" Cruella De Vil shouted punctuating every up with a hard swift kick. Carlos groaned but woke up in pain, the poor child was barely 3 years old.
"What?" The child asked confused.
"I'm going for a hair appointment at Curl up and dye, you have 3 hours to clean this house from top to bottom if it's not clean then you will being sleeping outside for the dogs!" With that Cruella left her toddler.

Carlos cleaned as fast as he could. He was used to it. He was practically done when the door swung open. The boy was proud of what he'd done so he went to the front door to greet his mother. Face full of innocence and hope. To his dismay her shoes were covered in mud. Cruella looked around the down at the floor.
"I thought I said spotless but what is that mud!" She screamed grabbing the scruff of the toddlers neck forcing him to the floor and rubbing his face in the mud as if you were scolding a dog for peeing on the carpet. "Because of you insubordination and insolence you will sleep in the garden to night." She kicked the toddler in the face then walked away. "Clean up the mud! Now!" She roared.

Carlos was out in the garden curled up in a ball pressed to the wall of the house. He was in this position for two reasons one was to shield him from the harsh isle storms, which consisted of hurricane level winds, fork lightning, hail, sleet and heavy rain, the second reason was to try and hide so the isle dogs don't see him. Carlos suddenly could hear barking the kept getting louder and louder. The poor boy had his eyes shut tight as he lay in the ball.

"Boy! Get up!" A shrill voice called from her room, the 5 year old shot up and navigated his way out the closet avoiding bear traps as he went.
"Yes mother?" He asked approaching the unhinged woman.
"I want you to fluff my fur coats so there extra fluffy and clean and ready for me to wear in 2 hours when I go visit Gaston." With that the woman left Carlos began to walk towards the dozens of coats that belonged to the deranged woman.

Carlos slaved away cleaning all the coats by hand. There was one stain he just couldn't get out no matter how hard he scrubbed the fur still remained matted and discoloured. After that he dried all the coats and fluffed them. Just finishing to hang them up when his mother entered.

She inspected each coat carefully until she came across the stained coat.
"What is this?" She screamed.
"I'm sorry. I tried to scrub it out and it wouldn't come out I'm sorry." Carlos apologised until he was cut of by a slap across the face. The five year old bit back a wimpier his mother grabbed the arm of the coat and wrapped it around his throat she pulled it tight until Carlos passed out. She then threw it at the unconscious boys body and stormed away not caring to check if the innocent child was still alive.
"You are to drive me to pick up my new coat." Cruella instructed the 6 year old. Carlos nodded he'd drove the car twice before he struggled since he was small for a six year old. He drove them there perfectly fine however as he was waiting a boy a couple years older passed by taking the hood ornament. Cruella exited and instantly noticed the missing ornament. "Get out!" She snapped at Carlos.
"I'm sorry he just took it!" Carlos apologised obeying his mother.
"Sit on the floor in front of the car" Carlos did as he was instructed. Cruella got in the drivers seat and drove the car over the innocent 6 year olds legs. Carlos bit back a cry of pain as both his legs broken from the weight of the vehicle.
Carlos followed Cruella around like a lost puppy. They were a pretty fabric stall.
"Your son has a very delicate face." A man purred stroking The child's innocent cheek. "How much for an hour?" The man asked.
"For what?" Cruella asked.
"For your son to be mine for an hour. He has such a pretty face the things I could do with a pretty face and body like that." The man smirked.
"How about we make a deal every time I want fabric I pay for it by letting you have my boy for an hour or so." The man nodded.
"Deal." Cruella pushed the boy towards the man.

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