Chapter 06

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He came again, just as Yamina predicted.

What she did not foretell was that it would take such a long time.

A month went by.

An entire month of her looking over her shoulder, double-checking and changing locks, sealing windows, upgrading her security system and exhausting every avenue she could to ensure Lyon Bianchi never entered her home again.

Not only did she exhaust all avenues, but she also exhausted herself.

By the time the thirty-day mark had passed, Yamina was too exhausted to even walk up and down the house all night like she usually did.

Despite this, she was sitting in darkness on her bed after 12 o'clock. The moon was not out, so the room was even darker than it usually would've been.

Sleep was a luxury over the last month, especially when she was feeding Amaya every four hours. Sleep was quite impractical.

Yamina sat against the headboard, her Glock 19 sitting primly in her lap, waiting to be used.

She knew he'd appear and she was going to be prepared this time.

Yamina checked the baby monitor again, balking once she realised Amaya was holding onto something, wide awake. It looked like a finger-a finger connected to a very large hand.

Yamina held her breath as the child's mouth parted. She expected a long, desperate wail but nothing came. Amaya's mouth closed, her stubby legs kicked while her eyes searching beyond the camera's short range. Immediately, Yamina switched to the other camera, stunned upon noticing that he was there.

Standing over her child.

Yamina could not move a limb. She felt as though moving would be a disaster. Like if he heard her coming, he'd take Amaya.

He knew she was watching. He knew because the cameras were right there-right in his face. He just didn't care.

Yamina watched.

She should've immediately gotten up-confronted him and forced him out of her home but she didn't. She sat and watched, disregarding her hammering heart.

She observed as he combed his fingers through the baby's hair, around her chubby cheeks and under her chin. Throughout the entire act, Amaya only stared. She made not a peep of noise-just remained calm in the presence of the stranger.

Yamina was in disbelief. Her hold on the 19 tightened.

"You forgot about the jammer," his voice suddenly came over the system, making her bristle.

"What do you want from me?" She apprehensively asked. Yamina didn't bother to berate herself for forgetting about the jammer-a device used to override security cameras and other systems.

He remained silent for a moment before replying, "Nothing."

Her eyes almost rolled to the back of her head and stayed there. "Why are you here then?" She quickly added, "If you're not gonna kill us."

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