Chapter 14

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Pissed was not the word to describe how Yamina felt.

She was enraged.

How many times had she drilled into Yazari's head that she was not supposed to go anywhere without permission?

Based on what Lyon had told her, security was also unaware of her disappearance. He, however, ensured Yamina that they would meet and decide how to proceed with this situation.

For the first time in a long while, Yamina was genuinely scared.

Yazari could be anywhere.

She could be on her way to someone's human trafficking rink or on a jet to Germany, Russia—anywhere.

What petrified Yamina more was that anyone could be behind this. She'd dealt with some of the most sadistic, evil, ill-intentioned people imaginable, so were this supposed to be a slight against her, the odds were not favourable.

Worse, anyone who now knew of Lyon's renewed association with her family could also be the culprit. The possibilities were endless and thinking about it made Yamina's stomach churn.

Easing her foot off the gas pedal, Yamina took a deep breath. It was going to be okay. She and Lyon would solve this.

They had to.

"Ugh," Yamina groaned. Way to rely on someone she swore to never depend on again. 

Pressing the mic icon on the Geep's control panel, Yamina placed a call. After a few seconds, a breathless Adrianna picked up.

"Caio, Adrianna speaking."

"Hey, Adrianna, it's Yamina," her voice shook with the anxiety she felt. To anyone, Yamina's nervous state would be palpable.

"Oh hello, dear. Is something wrong? You sound shaken up," Adrianna queried, concerned.

Clearing her constricting throat, Yamina answered, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just checking in to see how Amaya was doing." 

"Maya's been a sweetheart. She listens and doesn't cry— unless I don't give her the snacks she wants. What do you feed this figlia, Yamina, because she eats. She has the fastest little hands, even faster than Lyon's when he was un bambino piccolo—" 

Although being on the phone with Adrianna and knowing Amaya was in good hands calmed Yamina somewhat, nothing could truly quell those raging thoughts. 

Nothing would ever satisfy her until Yazari was in her arms.

Safe and sound.


Lyon sat unmoving. 

His phone lay squarely in the middle of the enormous wooden desk he was tucked behind.

He sought to make some sense of his thoughts, knowing that should he act prematurely, heads would roll. 

How had security, tasked with watching over one girl, done such an awful job of ensuring her safety?

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