Chapter 03

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The warmth, along with the distant beeps of reversing vehicles allowed one to accurately determine that night had made way for a new day.

For Yamina though, the feeling of beady eyes trained on her, even in her semi-conscious state, was what roused her. Consequently, she unsealed a reluctant eyelid.

It took a few seconds for her eyes to adjust to the onslaught of blazing rays that peeking through the blinds she'd forgotten to close. As the cloudiness dissipated, Yamina was finally able to focus on the little person, holding the even smaller human by the foot of the bed.

Amaya—her 10-month-old—fussily reached her chubby arms out while clenching and releasing her tiny fingers, obviously wanting to be held. Meanwhile, Yazari, her 14-year-old sister struggled to calm the irritated infant.

Yamina stretched languidly before pushing the thick duvet cover further down her body. 

"Hi, sweetheart-," she half-cooed, half-yawned to the aggravated child, "-c'mere." Yamina pushed the covers fully off her body and sat up, arms extended to take the child.

"Whoops," Zari murmured tiredly as she walked towards her, "She was crying when I woke up so I thought I'd go put her back to sleep. But then-," she almost tripped over one of Amaya's toys. "-but then I swore I heard something move outside my door, so I went quick to check and see but nothing was wrong with her except that she was holding some weird wristlet-thingy... but that isn't the matter of fact. Guess what I saw," she yammered on, placing Amaya in Yamina's arms then belly-flopping onto the king-size bed.

Yani took Maya, plastered her to her chest and rained kisses all over her round, fat face, making the child squeal happily. Yamina removed the residual crust from drool that had dried on her soft, unblemished cheek overnight as she listened to Yazari.

"I don't know. What'd you find?" She replied, subconsciously sniffing Maya's addictive scent while rubbing her back softly. The soothed but hungry child attempted, very slyly to pull down her top to push her hand into the neckline. 

"The carpet was shifted!" Zari practically shouted, rolling onto her back then back onto her stomach excitedly. "It was moved!"

Yamina's heart lurched before dropping to the pit of her stomach.

"Shifted? Shifted how?" Yamina frowned, eyeing the child.

"I put the corner point on the carpet on the 4th stair at 43 degrees and guess what?" Yazari grinned. "It was 45 degrees when I measured a few minutes ago. Something moved it!"

Yamina sighed—mostly from relief but also pity.

Yazari was so invested in this conspiracy of house burglaries, crime and paranormal activity that it made no sense to even try to tell her otherwise.

"You're still with this? What if it was me? I went downstairs last night. I could have moved it," Yamina queried.

"Your foot's not big enough. I made specific calculations that would not be disturbed by a small-footed person, Yani," Yazari rolled her eyes dramatically. "So no, it couldn't be you. It is a bigger person. The foot had to be at least 13 inches or more. You're like a size what?" Yazari smugly raised a thick brow. "Who cares...Too small."

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