Chapter 39: Pain

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Zayn's POV

I trudged downstairs with a pillow and a blanket I found in Emily's closet.

We both needed our space at the moment and I needed time to think. I unwillingly laid down on the couch that was rather uncomfortable and was killing my back.

What was my problem?

She was only talking about her book and I turned into something completely different. It's all my fault, I made her upset. I just don't want to see her hurt, yet I'm the one that's hurting her the most.

I laid there for another twenty minutes trying to give my eyes a break from the stressful day, but there was a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

My feeling was confirmed when I heard a loud scream come from Emily's room.

In a matter of seconds I bursted through her door to see someone holding my Emily over there shoulders while she screamed and kicked around.

"You little bitch! Shut up!" I stopped in my tracks. I knew that voice better then anyone, it was none other then Trevor.

"Please! Let me go! Please!" Emily screeched.

My fist were balled at my sides. This little shit wasn't going to get away with touching her. He threw Emily to the ground as she yelped in pain.

She laid on the floor crawling away from him desperately trying to find an escape.

Trevor marched towards her but not before I pounced on him, knocking him to the ground.

"You fuckin' asshole!" I punched him repeatedly.

"Zayn! Zayn stop!" Emily yelled trying to pull me off, but I ignored her.

"Don't you dare touch her!" By the time I stopped he passed out with a bloody face.

"Zayn...." Emily dropped to her knees beside me.

No words were said as she grabbed my hand analyzing my busted knuckles.

"I'm fine." I hollered.

She jumped back in surprise dropping my fist. For a second, just a second I felt bad until my eyes went cold once again.

"I'll get rid of him." I say quietly not looking at her.

Out of the corner of my eye I see her nod and I quickly grab Trevor and yank him down the stairs, not bothering to look back.

Emily's POV

I sat there exactly where Zayn left me just thinking. I've been put in more danger in these past months then I have my whole life, and I still don't know why. I wish he would just tell me, even if it does put me in danger, I rather know then it be hidden from me.

This was too much and I don't know what to do, something like this has never really happened to me before. Talking with mom is out of the question, she'd tell me to leave Zayn because of the danger he's put me through.

No matter how much danger he puts me through, I still love him and he loves me too even if he hasn't said so. He shows it in many different ways though.

I don't remember what happened but I ended up back in my bed half asleep waiting for him to return. After a while I realized that he wasn't going to come back for a while, so I went into a peaceful sleep.


The next morning was a blank as I got ready for school, it was silent in the house due to the fact that Jean and Niall left already and Zayn never came back after last night.

I threw on a grey t-shirt with a pair of dark washed jeans. My hair was a mess to deal with at the moment, so I decided to put it into a messy bun with some loose strands falling around my face.

Moments after walking out the door with a piece of toast in my hand, I saw Zayn's car in his driveway a few houses down. I was anxious to go barge in and demand for some answers, but I've come to the point where I'm tired of pressing for answers. I kept walking to school desperately turning around every once in a while just in case I could catch a glimpse of him.... But I never did.


"Hand in you're assignments on the way out please." Mrs. Claire said to the class. Everyone looked dead, which I didn't understand considering what I went through and I still managed to look decent for school.

I caught a glimpse of Zayn during English but every time he looked back at me I would avert my eyes back to the front of the class. I blame my pride on this one.

He didn't bother to try either, which I hated to admit but it bothered me the most. I was itching to know about every single thing he's kept from me, even if I had to die just to find out.

The weekend was approaching, which meant another week closer to the holidays, and seeing Vee. She could help me with this, but then again she's always been so skeptical about the boys I've liked. If I told her any of this she would tell me to ditch the guy, or that I'm too young.

I snorted at that, it's been a while since I've heard her voice and her annoying little remarks at everything I do. No matter how annoying she is I still wouldn't be able to live without her, eh cob makes my heart ache even more just thinking about it.

Mom would be back tomorrow as well, and I know she wouldn't say anything but I know she thinks I've changed since school started. I can tell because every time I talk to her she would be searching my eyes for answers on what was going on.

I shook the thought away and stayed quiet for the remainder of the day until I got home. You could hear a pin drop in the house because of the silence. Zayn wasn't here. Jean wasn't here. Niall wasn't here. Mom and Vee weren't here. I was just all alone with only my thoughts flowing through my mind.

There was a knock at the door that pushed the thoughts to the back of my head, but quickly came back after opening the front door.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Emily..." He said his eyes peering into mine.

"No. Don't you dare do this again! You can't keep doing this! I'm tired of it." I retorted with anger clear in my voice.

"I know. That's why I'm here to do this." His words made my heart stop. Was he going to say what I think he was going to say?

"What do you mean?" I asked gulping loudly. My heart was beating so loud I could have sworn he could hear it.

"It's not fair for me to be with you and not tell you the truth, so that's why we shouldn't... see each other anymore." His voice was laced with sadness as his eyes didn't meet mine.

"What?" I whispered.

"I said th-"

"I heard what you said it's just... is you're secret really worth giving us up? Giving .. Me up?" My eyes were watery as I tried not to cry in front of him.

"I'm sorry." He said, and just liked that he was gone like thin air. He didn't give me a chance to do anything before I realized what just happened.

My hand clasped over my mouth as I stifled a cry. I should be angry, no I should be furious but for some odd reason all I ever felt when Zayn I fought was sadness and emptiness.

The two feelings combined could kill me with the powerful ache I felt in my chest. I shut the door and sat there on the ground staring at nothing with a blank expression. I looked down at my wrist at the charm bracelet he's given me, it only made the pain worse and so I did the only thing that I could think of that might cause him as much pain as he caused me.

I threw it away.

•Heeeey guys! I really hope you liked this chapter :) I really liked the emotion and sacrifices in this one. Enjoy guys! Love you :) xxx•






**not edited**

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