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There was no way he could have anticipated it, there's no way he could have known, he didn't give him a reason to, and that's unfair.

Walking into school, Felix was blissfully ignorant, happy even.

He had the best weekend of his life.

However the weekend was over.

"Oi Felix!" Said Australian turns his head in the direction of the yelling, there was no way Chan was here this early on a school day.

"Is that you? Are my eyes deceiving me?" Felix squints his eyes, pretending to check if it was really Chan or not.

"Ha ha, you're so funny, Felix, has anyone told you that?" The younger walks up to where Chan was leaning near the entrance.

"Maybe a few times." He smirks, flicking the older's shoulder in retaliation for the sarcasm.

Chan holds him arm, pouting like the big baby he is, "Ouchie." He sticks his lip out for dramatic affect.

Felix gasps, "Oh my god, you actually did your hair and wore normal human clothes! You actually look civilized!" he says, feigning shock.

"Shut up, I have places to go after I leave this educational prison." Chan says dragging the younger towards the door.

Felix rolls his eyes, "Mhm like where?"

"As a matter of fact, I'm catching a ride with you to Ms.Kim's studio after school so I can see Woojinie." Chan's got a love struck smile on his face, Felix suddenly asks himself if he looks like that talking about Changbin.

Felix shoves the older's shoulder playfully, "So does that mean you guys are officially together?"

"Yup." Chan pops the p at the end, nodding giddily. It's surprising he isn't skipping down the hall by now.

Felix shakes his head smiling, "Ah,, love is in the air."

The curly haired boy laughs, "I know, even Changbin settled down."

Felix stops in his tracks, had Changbin told him? He knew something was going on but he didn't know the older was ready for that kind of commitment yet. He didn't even have the guts to ask him to be his boyfriend before he went around telling people they were together, the nerves on that boy.

Chan chuckles, "I know surprising right? Look at them."

Felix is confused, what does the older mean by them? When he looks up, he isn't really sure what he's supposed to think. As promised there's Changbin, looking stunning as ever, arm slung around Hwang Yeji, stunning as ever.

The Australian pales, this isn't right. He feels this tight pit in his stomach, he's almost nauseous. He looks so, happy and they look good together. Surrounded by her friends, laughing, arm around a gorgeous girl.

Who is he to ruin that?

He's just his best friend, and he has no right to be jealous, but god damn he is.

Chan must have noticed the look on the younger's face, "Ah, he must have not told you either. Did he ever mention liking her?"

The younger continues to look at the couple across the hall, he can feel tears welling in his eyes, but he doesn't let them fall. He refuses to cry.

Felix takes in a fortifying breath, sharp and stuttered.

"Yeah, something like that."

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