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If Felix was upset at the beginning of the week, there was no way to tell by Thursday. It was like nothing happened, none of his friends could talk to him about, and if they tried he would quickly change the subject.

They weren't entirely sure what was so different about Thursday that made it better, but the Australian knew. The past couple of days, he tried to not let it affect him, not let others see. He was still fighting with himself on whether or not he had a reason to be upset.

But today however, even if he had to watch Yeji and Changbin be together, he had the reminder that tonight he was all his. This was an official date, he had made sure to be clear when asking. The thought made the Australian smile.

Felix waited at the entrance of the school, like every morning this week, so he could see the dark boy. It almost felt better knowing that he got priority over her, and he was the first person he saw.

"Hey beautiful." Changbin snuck up beside the Australian whispering it quickly into the younger's ear.

Felix blushes hard and looks around to see if someone saw, "Hey yourself." Even if he was trying to be sassy, he couldn't help the beaming smile gracing his face.

Changbin laughs and shakes his head, "You're more scared of getting caught than I am." He pokes the boy's sides making him giggle.

Felix starts to hit him in retaliation, "Shut up." He scrunches up his nose trying to look intimidating.

Changbin only grins at the boy, "You're so cute." He clutches his heart like the younger is giving him heart pains.

If you knew where to look, anyone could tell that they were flirting. But no one looked. Changbin has a girlfriend. Mission accomplished then, right?

Felix knew each day the older was getting more and more bold with how he acts with the boy. Yesterday he passed walking down the hall with his arm around Felix's shoulders as a friendly gesture, and today he combined this with whispering sweet things in the boy's ear every once in a while.

The Australian savored these mornings because, the dark boy made it seem like there was no Yeji, no fake girlfriend, like he was the boyfriend.

Felix turned to Changbin, smiling like an angel, "You remember what's happening tonight right?"

Changbin nodded cute grin on his face, "How could I forget? You in your cute little suit, giving your senior speech, in front of all the younger dancers, who look up to you like you're god." He ends pinching the Aussie's cheek.

Felix rolls his eyes, "You're way more excited about this than me." Changbin squeezes them closer together, cheeks pressing together, "My baby is growing up so fast."

Felix pushes the older slightly, face tinting pink at the name, "We're in the same grade, idiot."

"But in all other aspects besides actual age, I am older." Changbin smirks and joins them together again.

Felix rolls his eyes, "In another life."

Across the hall is a fast approaching Seungmin, and slower coming Yeji farther behind. Both people Felix wants to avoid.

The Australian leans over to Changbin, "Do you think it's too late to run?"

As the fast moving boy arrives he immediately starts talking, like he knows he has limited time, "Felix! I'm so glad I ran into you." He says as if he didn't run around the school looking for him.

Seungmin turns to the boy beside the Aussie, distaste swirling his expression, he dryly greets him, "Changbin." The dark boy only laughs, he can't take him seriously.

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