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According to Felix's calculations, the year wasn't supposed to pass so quickly. Senior year was slipping through his finger tips, taunting him with his final days as a high school student, and he did not like it one bit. He was having an existential crisis, it might be because he was high, but it also was because he's realizing the sudden proximity of his journey into adult hood, and his exit of his teen years.

He always told him mom, from a very young age that he didn't understand the need to grow up that all other kids seemed to whine about daily. He figured he had a pretty nice set up, his parents fed him, housed him, and raised him, not to mention paid for him. He couldn't imagine wishing away this sweet deal he had, as much as being grown up sounded nice, he didn't think he'd ever actually be ready to make his own decisions and pave his own way through the world. So he told his mom he didn't want to grow up.

But here he was, about to turn 18.

Seungmin made sure to remind him it was a week from today at lunch. Felix probably could have gone without knowing that.

So Changbin followed the Australian home that day like a lost puppy, offering all he could, kisses, hugs, and sweet marijuana. Felix didn't see himself becoming an avid weed consumer, but he had to admit he liked the release he got when he was stressed.

The couple is laying on the bed facing each other, looking into each other's eyes silently searching for an answer to the other's problems.

When Felix finally told the older what was on his mind he could instantly feel the amusement radiating from his boyfriend, "I'm turning 18 in a week."

Changbin giggles, "Yes, you are."

Felix sits up, eyes wide, Changbin does the same smiling lazily at him, "I'm fucking turning 18 in a week."

Changbin chuckles, putting both his hands on he younger's shoulders, shaking him slightly, "You're turning 18 in a week."

Felix groans loudly, rubbing his face with his hands. "Oh god, there's no fucking way."

Changbin laughs at the stressing boy, "You're turning 18, Lix, its happening."

Felix only pouts like the baby he is, leaving Changbin to kiss it away, "You're going to be just fine, just think about all the things you're going to do with your newfound adulthood."

The Australian groans, "Like spiraling into debt or being the victim of a serial murder."

Changbin laughs at his ridiculousness, "Are you hearing yourself? Felix, you are probably the most prepared of all of us, you're going to be one fine adult." The Aussie smiles lovingly at his boyfriend, he never fails to make him feel better.

Felix's face splits into an evil smile, poking the older's sides, "Your right, plus, I'll finally be the same age as you." The Australian giggles as the dark boy groans.

Changbin shakes his head, "I take it back, you're going to be so bad at being an adult." Felix smiles teasingly, "That was too vague for me to be worried."

Changbin shakes his head, glaring at the boy in front of him, "Fine next date, since you're so grown up now, I won't plan it at all, you have to come up with everything."

Felix glares at the older, he knows how unoriginal his date ideas are, "I can do that, when is this date?"

Changbin pecks the younger's gently, "I don't know you're in charge." He smirks like the evil man he is.

Felix rolls his eyes, "Fine, Changbin, would you like to go out on a date with me this Sunday?"

Changbin smiles cutely, "I would love to." He proceeds to attack the Australian with kisses.

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