A mom's hug lasts long after she let's go

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Everything looks blurry as I open my eyes

 "Jane?" I hear in the distance. 

The sound of my name is becoming clearer so does my sight..

 "Jane?" "You're awake!" I look around me, I am in a white room, dressed in a blue long apron .. 

 * beep * * beep * * beep *

 A heart rate monitor to my left 'Jane? 'I hear Barney on my right. 

 At the back of the room I see 3 people standing in long white coats with gloves and caps.

 "Barney?" where is he ?'Barney looks at me with a big smile on his face and he looks at the three people in the back of the room.

The three people turn out to be doctors, 1 of the doctors turns around, he carries a baby, Jane's baby.

 "It's a healthy young man, congratulations."

 I get tears in my eyes and smile lovingly at my husband. I am looking forward to my baby. I stare into the eyes of my little one, he is beautiful, he is perfect.

 "How can the little one be called" I look up to the doctor .. "Elijah ..." I say softly "Elijah King" says Barney proudly

'mom?' I hear... I look around the room... It's Avery.

'Yes?' Jane looks at her daughter.. 

'What we're you daydreaming about?  you're burning the pancakes,' Avery says.

'I was just thinking about what to make for dinner honey.' Jane reaches out to her purse,  she takes 20 dollars from her wallet and hands it over to Avery.

 "Then you can get some goodies at school."  Avery takes the money, 

"Thanks mom, shall we go?" Avery smiles at her mother. 

' Yes let's go I'll quickly get my coat  'Jane says as she looks around the kitchen for het jacket. Avery grabs the car keys "I got the keys!" Avery shouts as she walks out the front door.

"Barney I take Avery away quickly, when I come back the paint  better be out of the carpet, I love you," shouts Jane as she closes the door, "I love you too!" Barney calls back

Avery's mother, Barney's wife, Jane King, a loving woman, forgiving spirit, full of sorrow with the loss of her son. J

Jane grew up in a family with 2 sisters, her sisters died in a car accident when Jane was only 16 years old. Jane was already the happy girlfriend of Barney, Barney has always been there for her.

Jane's father Joey Lakefield died of a heart attack 3 years later, Jane has lost much loved ones, her best friend Loraine Goldshield fights cancer, only Jane's mother Avera Lakefield is still walking the earth with a healthy heart.. Jane has a hard time, so she is extra careful with what Avery is up to. 

Her mother instincts are already running wild with the smallest thing. One time Avery came home half an hour late, Avery's phone had dropped out so she couldn't tell her mother that she had to catch a test at school, you should have seen Jane, she was so worried. Avery sometimes struggles with it, but she understands and tries to make contact with Jane wherever she hangs. 

'Bye mom love you, see you tonight'

'Tonight? Why? 'I'm going to study with Charlotte? I told you? Oh right .. okay honey please be home safe and text me when you're there. I'll pick you up if you send me the location alright? Yeah will do mom. Avery shuts the car door, her mom watches get inside 

"Please be safe" she whispers as she drives away....

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