Chapt 4

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I wake up and see Billie cuddling into my side. I try to get up without waking her up but failed "where are you going" she said mumble into my side "to the bathroom" "stay" "but I have to go the bathroom" "ok" she lets me go and turns over to her side. I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth and do my business. When I exit out the bathroom I see Billie on her phone scrolling through instagram. She get up and goes to the bathroom and does her business. "Y/n I'm hungry" "you want  breakfast" "yeah" we go downstairs and see Maddie watching one of her shows. Morning she says not taking her eyes off the screen. We says morning "Maddie do have vegan pancakes". "Yeah there in the cabinet in the back" I grab them and start making them me being the idiot that i am I start dancing to no music I'm just dancing as I'm stirring the batter I'm I look up and see Billie was recording me the whole time. " you better not post that Billie" I say "or what" she says smirking "I will chase you around this house and I'll get my revenge" with that she ran I caught up to her and tackled her. And pinned her hands above her head. I started tickling her "stop" she says while laughing. "Say sorry" "fine sorry" I stop tickling her I look at her lips she looks at mine we both lean in an- "y/n are you gonna finish these pancake" I groan "yes I am" "y/n what's that" Billie says damn it I managed to catch a Bonner on top of her. "Um" with that I grab my car keys and run out the house. I sprinted to my car ignoring people calling my name. I drove to the place that always managed to make me feel safe.
As I ask y/n the question she gets her keys and runs to the door I call her name repeatedly. But not once she turned around. "What happened" Maddie asks "well y/n chased me and pinned me down and started tickling me we were about to kiss then you enter interrupted it. Then something was sticking out of y/n's pants and it was huge I ask her what it was she grabbed her keys and left." I say telling her everything "oh Billie there's something I need to tell you about y/n" "what is it" "y/n is a intersex she was born with a dick I'm pretty sure as you know her mother died giving birth to her. Her dad abused her and called her a freak and dyke when she came out it got worst to she left home and went to college." Maddie says taking breath before talking again. "The reason she dropped out of college is because y/n kinda popular. So she was dating this girl she told  the girl about her extra part. She freaked out and told the whole school and she dealt with a a lot of bullying she dropped out because of that. She has minor depression and a short temper but she would never hurt you or some friends. You said she left right?" I nod "that's a lot to take in I don't think she's a freak though I still want to be in her life" i say honestly "good I don't think she can handle losing you. I think I know where she went." Maddie
I went to the only place that makes me feel safe which is the park I know it's childish. But when I was kid I used to play like there's no tomorrow. I lift my head up when I see a car wait a minute I recognize that car it's Maddie's then I see her Billie step out. I try to run away but Maddie already caught up to me before I could. "Y/n she knows" Maddie says "why would tell her she think I'm weird" I say "I don't y/n still wanna be in your life and hangout with you. Your dad was stupid for not seeing the talent you have. And your not a freak." Billie says I wince at the word freak. "Can you please not say that word." I say "yeah I'm sorry" "but we spent hours looking for you" "I know and I'm sorry for that" "Billie if you don't mind can I take you somewhere." I ask "yeah of course" we hop in my car for the rest of the drive was silent occasional humming every now and then. Where I'm taking bil is another place special to me. I know the owners of this place they were kinda like the parents I never have. Tell Billie we're here we get out and go to the restaurant "hey y/n" Anthony says "hey Anthony it's been a minute" I say "yeah it has" "how's your wife and the kids" "great they miss you coming around" "yeah I'll come over soon" "what about Sunday at 5:00 I'm having a barbecue" "ok I'll come" "oh I'm sorry this is Billie" "hi Billie I'm Anthony I'm a friend of y/n" "hi" "can we go up to the rooftop" "yeah of course" we go up to the rooftop I get the blankets and lay them down on the ground I motion Billie to come sit. "This is beautiful" Billie says "yeah I love this place" "y/n there's something I have to tell you" "what" "so you know the song bad guy that we created" "yeah are you gonna release it" "no actually I'm gonna save it for my album" "ok" "but me and Finn talked it over do you want to help us with the rest of the album" "yes I would love to " I say excitedly "great and also do you want to go a party with me" "I don't know bil" "come on you'll meet some of my friends" "alright fine" "yay" we sit in the moonlight just talkin about random things. We decided to go because it was getting cold. I drop off Billie at her house then I realized I'm falling hard for this girl. I hope she catches me.
Word count 1064

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