Chapt 9

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So today we're taking a surprise trip to la so I can see bil. The plan failed to ask her to be my girlfriend. Because I couldn't wait that long but at least she officially mine. It is currently 5:00 I just woke up. Me and Maddie are gonna stay there for a week. I go and get in the shower and do my my daily routine. I put on my boxers and sports bra with black joggers and a short sleeve black hoodie with some Nike's. "Maddie come on we're gonna be late." It's was 6:30 now "I'm gonna be there in a minute just wait in the car" "fine hurry up" I go and get the  car started. After a few minutes she came down. On the way there we played music then I heard a familiar tune. "Y/n your song is on the radio" I turn the radio up and it is my song I never felt so accomplished in my life. It was 7:00 now I get a call from bil it was currently 5:00 at la. I answered the call on Bluetooth "hey baby" she says all groggy "aren't you supposed to be sleeping" "I wanted to call you I miss you" "bil go to sleep" "but-" "bil go to sleep or you'll get no kisses for a week" "good night" she said fast "whipped" Maddie mumbled I laughed and hung up. For the rest of the drive was just dancing and listening to music when we get to the airport some fans come up to me. They ask me for a picture and autographs of course I did those things. After I went to the Starbucks in the airport. After I got my coffee I was in some What in a better mood "flight 5658 is now boarding in gate a" the intercom said. Me and Maddie start heading there when we get in are seats I immediately drift off to sleep. I feel myself being nudged "y/n wake your lazy ass up" Maddie says "why" I say "we're here" we start to exit the plane. And get are bags. It is 10: 45 in la "hey y/n" "hey Maggie" "thank you for sending us a car" "no problem, there dropping y'all at my house. Billie is currently at a interview so she won't be back till 11:00" "ok" I ended we got to Billie's house it was nice and homey. Maggie showed me Billie's room. It was 10:55 so Billie can come back anytime. 4 more minutes later I hear her voice "mommm when are we going back to Houston I miss y/n" "I don't know Billie maybe when you finish your album" "ok" I heard footsteps coming towards the door I immediately sprinted to the closet. "Ughh I miss her" Billie says "I missed you too" I say her face was in shock she ran up to me giving me a strong hug. "I missed you so much" Billie says while hugging me. "I miss you too I came to surprise you" "I watched your interview you did so good" "I'm sorry I said I was single I didn't know if you wanted to come out" I say "it's ok I don't know if my management would agree anyway" she kissed me one more time then my phone rang. "Hello is this y/n y/l/n" "yes who is this" "this is republic records." I start to silently freak out. "We wanted to call and see if you come to the record label and see if we can sign you" "for real" "yes can you do it tomorrow" "um yes I can" "great we'll see you at 3" "yes" I say goodbye. "Baby I'm soooo proud of you" Billie says "thanks" we go until the living room I see Finn and Maggie talkin and Maddie on her phone. "Guys guess what" "what" they say in unison "republic records called me and I'm supposed to go by there at 3 and they want to sign me" "oh my god" Maddie says "congratulations" finneas says while hugging me. "That's Amazing sweetie" Maggie says "thanks" after that Maggie cooked dinner it was delicious. Me and Billie worked on more lyrics for her album. Then we cuddled up and went to sleep.
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