Chapter Eighteen

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hot doG YOU GUYS! This story is almost at 450 reads omg what
Thank you, and I'm sorry for the super late chapter again. ^^


I'd gone back to college for the last two days of the week, Aiden's parents looking after Drew. I hadn't been in most of my lessons as I had to sort out the process of transferring, again. I'd also caught up with a few of my friends, who knew about Drew (but not that Tyrone was the father) and we're pestering me to let them see him. I let out a small yawn as I made my way from the office towards the exit. It was the end of the day and I was ready to go home.

"Will you be in lessons next week?" I heard Tyrone ask and as I turned around he was stood in the doorway of his classroom. I nodded and he smile. "I was wondering, could I have a day with Drew this weekend?" He added.

I felt a hand at the bottom of my back, and instantly I knew it was Aiden.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Tyrone. I still don't fully trust you, but feel free to come round and see him." Aiden answered for me, slowly moving his hand up and down my back.

"I didn't even ask you." Tyrone snapped childishly.

I sighed, still looking up at him. "Aiden's right, I'm not ready to let you have him for a day alone yet."

Without giving him time to answer, I turned and headed for the exit, Aiden following close behind.


Aiden's POV


I looked down at the circle of Sam's friends sat on the living room floor, surrounding Drew with adoration on each of there faces. I sat behind Sam on the couch, making small circles on the back of her neck with the pad of my thumb.

"So what's it like being a daddy?" Sophie asked, Sam's closest friend.

I looked down at Drew with a smile "Yeah, it's great." I told her, looking back up at her. I knew they all presumed that I was the father, since they'd probably all freak out if they knew Tyrone and Sam were together for almost six years. Not only that, they'd probably all be jealous as they thought he was attractive, personally I didn't see it myself.

"And what about you, mommy?" Zöey, another of Sam's friends asked.

"It couldn't be better." I said quietly as she tickled Drew's stomach, a giggle escaping his lips causing the circle of females to squeal in sync.


I walked back into the living room, Marcus following me. He'd bought the rest of Sam's things that wouldn't fit into my car on the drive down here, plus a few new additions for Drew's room for when he was old enough to sleep in a room on his own.

"Hey Marcus." Zöey called out, a soft redness on her cheeks.

"Hey." He said, not ignoring her but obviously not interested, already having a wife and child. "Sam, wanna come look through this stuff?" He asked, giving his sister a smile.

She nodded and stood up, moving around the couch towards him as he set the box down on the small dining table.

"Maybe we should get going, girls. We've been here at least two hours and it looks like this little one needs some sleep." Brooke said, gently tucking her finger under Drew's chin for a second as she looked down at him in his basket as he started to fall asleep.

They all agreed and stood up, giving both myself and Sam quick hugs before I let them all out. I walked back into the living room and looked over Sam's shoulder, gently resting my chin on her.

"Is Tyrone giving you any trouble?" Marcus asked after a moment, Sam slowly unpacking the box.

"Not really." She muttered quietly, peering back into the box. "He's asked to look after Drew a few times but I've said not without me or Aiden there."

"That's a good idea." Marcus said with a smile, leaning down to hug his sister.

"I'll go get some blankets and pillows for you." I said, giving Marcus a nod.

"Are you staying just tonight?" I heard Sam ask as I walked down the hallway.

I jumped slightly as I heard a knock on the door, just as I was picking up a few blankets from the linen cupboard. I sighed, placing them back down in the pile and walking towards the door, opening it.

"Hope you don't mind." Tyrone said stubbornly as he pushed past me and walked towards the living room.

"Tyrone, Drew's asleep." I told him as I shut the front door, following him.

He ignored me as he stepped into the living room,  pausing as he saw Marcus.

"What're you doing here Tyrone?" Marcus asked, looking over at his former best friend.

"I'm here to see my son, since I'm not allowed to see him without Sam or Aiden." He replied with a smirk, turning to Drew.

"A-are you drunk?" Sam asked, quickly stepping in Tyrone's path.

He smirked down at Sam, keeping his attention on her face. "I might be." He whispered, drawing closer to her.

Marcus took a step closer to the two as Sam took a step away from Tyrone, both obviously recalling what had happened last time Tyrone was drunk.

"I think you should leave and come back when you're sober." Sam warned, although her voice was timid and scared.

"Why baby, are you scared?" He said in a gentle voice, but it was obviously sarcastic. He ran his thumb over the faint scar on her cheek, a sly smile on his lips.

"Tyrone." Marcus warned in a much more stubborn voice than Sam's had been.

Sam moved to the side as Marcus pushed Tyrone towards the door. I followed the two men out, glaring at the back of Tyrone.

"Don't think about seeing him for the rest of this week, Tyrone. You need to sort yourself put first." I said, only just loud enough for him to hear before I turned around and headed back to the living.


I'm sorry that it's like, hella late again. ^^

But I have some exciting news for this book. So first of all, there aren't gonna be many more chapters, maybe around four more but don't worry, there is going to be a sequel and I've already started planning that.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to comment, vote and follow. c:

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