Chapter 14

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Flamespirit's P.O.V.

Morning Star led us through to the place that StarClan had told her to take us. I always walked beside Ravenstar. She was my mate after all. We reached the place at night-fall. 

"Who goes there?" A brown tabby tom asked once we reached the Island.

"Morning Star." She answers.

"Where have you been?" A grey she-cat ran out. "Who have you brought with you."

"Bramblestar, Dovewing, meet Ravenstar, the leader of DawnClan, and Ivystar, leader of FireClan."

"Welcome. I am the leader of ThunderClan." Bramblestar explains.

"Wait. StarClan gave us a prophecy about this place." I interrupted. "'Listen to the Wind, Shadow, Thunder, and River. They are your only hope. Only when you find them will you survive.'"

"Whoa. Well we also are living here with the Survivors of WindClan, ShadowClan, and RiverClan." Dovewing mewed. "We'll introduce you to every cat."

"Oh, DawnClan has Flamespirit, Nightwish, Shadowpaw, Shadepaw, Willowpaw, Bramblepaw, Lightfrost, Cloudclaw, and Wildherb and her kits, Leopardkit, and Echokit. FireClan has Ivystar, Stormheart, Hollyfeather, Jayleaf, Lionstorm, Tigerblaze, Blossommist, Whiteflame, Dovepool, Leaffern, and there kits, Squirrelkit, Breezekit, Turtlekit, and Mistkit." Ravenstar announces.

"Ok. This is my sister, Ivypool. Bramblestar's mate, Squirrelflight. Her sister, Leafpool. Her kit, Lionblaze, and his mate, Cinderheart. And our elders, Greystripe, and Sandstorm. Mother to Squirrelflight, and Leafpool." Dovewing introduced.

"RiverClan has Mistystar, Mothwing, Willowshine, Petalfur, Icewing, and her kits Nightkit, and Breezekit. WindClan has Harespring, Nightcloud, Crowfeather, Heathertail, Breezepelt, Smokekit, Brindlekit, and Whitetail. ShadowClan has Tawnypelt, Tigerheart, Dawnpelt, Lionkit, and Puddlekit."

"Does ShadowClan, and WindClan not have leaders?" Willowpaw asks.

"No, they died in the first attack. Tawnypelt is the leader for ShadowClan, and Harespring was the WindClan deputy."

"Ravenstar, I think I'm expecting kits." I whispered. 

Ravenstar asks Dovewing. "Where's the nursery?"

"Icewing can show you." Dovewing answered. The white queen waved her tail, and led me to a den full of moss.

"Thank you." I purr.

"Who's kits are you expecting, if you don't mind me asking." Icewing questioned.

"No, I don't. I'm expecting Ravenstar's kits."

"How?" She whimpered as she walked out. 

After Ravenstar had meet all of the leaders, she came in to check on me. "Hollyfeather has been assigned to care for you, and the other queens. That is her only job now."

"Oh. When I told Icewing I was expecting your kits, she looked like she had seen Ripplewing." I told her.

"Hmm. Well, you won't have to worry about her bothering you anymore, Wildherb, Dovepool, and Leaffern are moving in. As well as Blossommist. She's expecting Whiteflame's kits."

"That's amazing."

"Thank you." Blossommist purred as she settled down.

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