Chapter 7 second year

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For the end of first year nothing interesting happened. Then everyone left for the holidays. Dumbledore said to Pablo and Tom, "You two are meeting my good friend Newt in September. I will see you then." Tom and Pablo said their goodbyes and went on their way. They arrived at the train station where Dobby was meeting them. Dobby took them back to the house. Pablo asked, "Did you enjoy first term?" Tom replied, "Yeah. I also found out that I am related to Salazar Slytherin." Pablo was pleasantly surprised and said, "Wow well done, did you know there's a secret chamber in the school?" Tom said, "No. Awesome! I cannot wait to go back and find it." Pablo said, "Only a true Slytherin can find the chambers." Tom loved the challenge. He went and studied his book 'Hogwarts a history'. It was the first book he looked at so he should have expected to only find the facts he already knew. He asked Pablo, "Why did Salazar hate muggles and muggle-Born wizards?" Pablo replied, "Well I think he only liked pure magic. He thought it was wrong to like magic that someone just learned and was not born with." Tom said, "Well I think that's wrong. If my mother's father wasn't so pure-thinking, she wouldn't have been a squib in her older life." Pablo said, "Aah I see you've been reading the Gaunt family history." Tom said, "Yeah. I asked the librarian if she knew anything about the family of Salazar Slytherin. She told me that 'the family of the Gaunt' would be worth a read." Pablo said, "That's amazing work. When your history professor talks about the founders you should tell him the information you found out." Tom wrote down everything he found out about the Gaunt family and Salazar Slytherin.
The first of September arrived quite quickly and Tom was so ready for this year. He was super excited. He met his friends on the train when they arrived and the new first year were sorted into their houses. Dumbledore sent a letter to Pablo and Tom to come to his office. The boys went straight there and when they went inside they saw another wizard. Pablo said, "You must be Newt. Wonderful to meet you. I am Pablo and this is my brother Tom." Newt replied, "So you are the boys who worked out the blood pact? Wonderful job, by the way." Tom asked, "Do you think Grindelwald has figured it out yet?" Newt replied, "He probably has so we'd better get preparations in order."

In the castle in Austria Grindelwald was doing preparations of his own for his next speech on how war was coming sooner rather than later. Vinda Rosier was looking at Grindelwald then she noticed something different. She said, "Master, I believe your pendant has been stolen." Grindelwald looked down at his clothes and panicked when he saw his blood pact wasn't on him. He said, "Noo that bad niffler must have stolen it during my last ceremony! Now Dumbledore has the upper hand!" Vinda said, "What should we do?" Grindelwald said, "Well I am going send something to Dumbledore as a warning."

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