Chapter 15 important first year

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A/N one quote from the first Harry Potter film I use it but Snape not saying the lines.

In 1971 Pablo was super excited, he knew his parents would be coming to Hogwarts as well as his potions teacher, Professor Severus Snape, which got him super excited. He got up early and asked Professor Slughorn if he could come teach the first year potion class. Professor Slughorn accepted and didn't ask questions as to why he wanted to teach them.

All the first year students went in the main hall. Lilly was super excited, she loved the boat and it was exactly how she pictured the boat ride and the sorting hat was a funny looking hat. Mcgonagul did her speech about the different houses. Sirius Black was first. He got Gryffindor, next was Reamud Lupin, he got Gryffindor. Lucius Malfoy got Slytherin, Narcischa Black got Slytherin, James Potter got Gryffindor, Lilly Evan got Gryffindor as well as Peter Petagrew and last was Severus Snape, who got Slytherin. Pablo was pleased that everyone got the right house and no one got the wrong house. Dumbeldore said "Dinner is served." Severus had a shudder all down his body and he decided to ask an older boy "Who was the young boy sitting next to professor Riddle?" The older boy said "That's Pablo, he has a curse which means he cannot get older. I believe he's been like that for sixty two years now."  Pablo saw Severus shuddering when he looked this way and did a small laugh, he thought "Great, don't say it's bloody Severus Snape or I am seriously going to have a conversation with Dumbeldore's brother."  The ceremony was over and the students went back to their dorms and staff went to their classrooms. Tom could see how nervous Pablo was so he asked "Hey brother, you okay? You don't look so good?" Pablo said "Yeah just can't believe the first years who started this year." Tom did a non verbal spell and checked Pablo and was shocked and said "Hey bro I hate to say this but your not sixteen anymore you are seventeen." Pablo shouted "WHAT you have got to be kidding me." Tom said "No bro I am not kidding you on! I am sorry." Pablo said "Okay I will tell Dumbeldore after my class." Tom asked "Can I come along? I wanted to know if he is going to be shocked or not?" Pablo replied "Sure, that's perfectly fine with me."

All staff and students went to bed and in the morning everyone had breakfast and the first years went to potion class. They were waiting for the professor and then Pablo walked inside saying "There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science of the potion making. However, for those of you who possess the pre-disposition, I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses; I can tell you how to brew glory, bottle fame, and even put a stopper in death. Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel comfortable enough to not pay attention..." Pablo looked at Snape and saw he was writing everything down and Pablo said "Mr Snape is our new potion expert, I heard your mums a potion Master so I will asked three questions What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood? where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?' And last one What is the difference, Snape , between monkshood and wolfsbane?" Snape thought for a moment and said "For your information, Sir asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the Draught of Living Death. A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons. As for monkshood and wolfsbane, they are the same plant, which also goes by the name of aconite." Pablo clapped and said "Well done Mr Snape fifteen points to Slytherin." Lily asked "Professor the first question you asked Severus, What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Pablo replied "Yes that was the question what about it?" Lily said "I have been reading different meanings of each item, I have read according to Victorian Flower Language, asphodel is a type of lily meaning 'My regrets follow you to the grave' and wormwood means 'absence' and also typically symbolised bitter sorrow. If you combined that, it meant 'I bitterly regret Lily's death'." Pablo was shocked that Lilly would have worked that out and he said "Well done Lilly your house will get ten points, I hope everyone has been writing everything down." The whole class wrote everything down and the class was finished.

All the first year students enjoyed the different classes. Lilly and James really enjoyed defence class. During lunch break Pablo and Tom headed to the headmaster's office and said the password and walked inside. They saw Dumbeldore at the table. Dumbeldore looked up and asked "Pablo and Tom what can I do for you boys today?" Pablo nervously said "Well, Tom did a non verbal age spell on me today and found out that I am no longer sixteen but seventeen." Dumbeldore was shocked and surprised and said "Oh my gosh it's one of this years first year students, oh how wonderful." Then suddenly professor Slughorn came bounding in and yelled "PABLO what did you do to the first year students? They somehow frightened of my class now." Pablo laughed and felt guilty and said "I gave a student three questions and my entrance somehow gave everyone a shock." Professor Slughorn "you definitely shocked the Gryffindor boy James, he nearly jumped out his skin when I walked in the class room." Pablo laughed some more and said "I just said three questions to Mr Snape because I know his mother is a potion Master." Professor Slughorn "Oh I know his mother, her name Eileen Prince. She married a muggle called Tobias Snape she even wrote a book which I have been studying." Pablo asked "Can I see this book?" Professor Slughorn handed the book and Pablo began to read and the first three questions were the exact same questions he said to mr Snape he was shocked and annoyed and said "Theses are the first three questions I asked mr Snape and that's why he got them all right." Dumbledore and Tom picked up on how Pablo kept saying Mr Snape and decided to ask when Professor Slughorn left a wee while later Professor Slughorn did leave so Tom asked the question "Bro is your soulmate Mr Snape?" Pablo looked at Tom and Dumbledore and said "Erm Yeah he is, I was shocked and I still can't understand why."

A few weeks later winter holidays started.

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