Most students went home for the holidays. The ones that stayed wanted to learn about the ancient language called Parceltounge. It was mostly Slytherins who stayed and so Pablo took the students who wanted to learn to the room of requirement. Once there he said, "This is a room where you can practice magic to your hearts content." The students were impressed by the room and couldn't wait to get started. Pablo showed all his students the room before they went on holiday. James already knew about the room because he and his friends would practice magic that the school didn't teach in there. James was well on his way to making a cool, special map that shows where students and staff are at all times. He was so close to perfecting it, but needed to be a little more powerful. He asked his parents, "When will my magic increase?" They said, "You'll be able to do it next year." He was bored during the winter holidays so he used his invisibility cloak to spy on the ancient language meetings. Lucius said, "Welcome everyone. You are here to learn and understand Parceltounge." Narcissa went first and asked, "How do you learn?" Severus said, "Excellent question you learn by taking a potion and reading a book." So all of the students took the potion and read the book and one by one each student learned Parceltounge. All of the students talked to each other for a while and then decided to leave. When they left James took off the invisibility cloak and thought, "Really that's all it takes? A potion and a book?" Lucius saw James looking at the potion and the book and said, "I thought I felt a Gryffindor watching our meetings." James was surprised and said, "Sorry I was curious." Lucius said, "It's okay. Anyone can learn the language. I have no grudge against you." James said, "Wow thanks, okay I do want to learn. So teach me." Lucius said, "Okay deal." Lucius taught James all about the potion and the book and the language until finally James could speak Paceltounge. At that moment Severus wandered back inside to see a Gryffindor, none other than James Potter, learning the language. He clapped sarcastically and said, "Wow how the tables have turned. The great James Potter learning a Slytherin language." James said, "So what? I don't care. I am going to be the first Potter to learn the Slytherin language and hopefully not marry a full blood. I don't care about my family legacy." Severus was shocked and said, "Wow the day I see a Potter in Slytherin will be the best day of my life." Then James left the room and went back to the common room. Pablo wandered inside and asked, "Was that James Potter leaving the room?" Lucius said, "Yeah and he was learning Parceltounge." Pablo was shocked, "Wow I didn't think a Gryffindor would want to learn Parceltounge."
The holidays went by fast and all students returned from home. James said, "Hey friends enjoy your holiday?" Sirius said, "Yeah it wasn't too bad. What did you get up to?" James' expression turned guilty when he said, "Nothing much just learned this language." Sirius, Remus and Peter were shocked and Lily said, "Wow James you are brave." James said, "Thanks, I was super curious ." Peter replied, "You know curiosity killed the cat as the saying goes." James laughed and headed to the Defense class. Inside, all the students stood gathered together while Professor Riddle showed the class a dementor. He said, "This dementor is only a Boggart but the only way to get rid of this Boggart is to use a different spell. It is called a patronus charm. To do this charm you have to say 'Expecto Patrunum'." And instantly a Cobra slithered out of his wand. He said, "Normally that won't happen on your first try, but because I am an adult wizard the charm works instantly. I highly doubt any of you students will manage it today at your age because you're only supposed to be able to fully manage it at seventeen. If anyone manages it today then you are one powerful wizard." One by one all students tried it went in order. The Slytherins went first but none managed it. Severus came close but ultimately nothing happened. Then the Gryffindors had a turn Sirius, Peter, Remus and Lily had a turn and nothing happened. Then James had a turn. He asked, "May I have two goes? I want to try something." Riddle was surprised but said, "Why not since you are last." James went forward and said, "Expecto Patronum." Nothing happened. Then he took a deep breath and thought of the time during the winter when he was learning the new language and then said, "Expecto Patronum." Everyone surprised when a stag appeared next to James. Riddle was so shocked and rushed towards him with a chocolate bar. He gave it to him and said, "This helps. I wasn't expecting you to even produce a patronus, let alone a fully fledged animal. Well done, Twenty points to Gryffindor for one student managing the charm." Then the class disappeared and Tom wandered over to James and said, "I can't believe you managed that." James said, "Yeah me neither. I had two memories one of my friends and one of what happened during the winter time." Pablo appeared and said, "Really Tom? Speaking to James again? I am starting to think he's your favourite student." Tom laughed and so did James and James said, "Well I might be. Because I just learned a fully fledged Patronus charm at my age." Pablo gulped and said, "Wow, that's really rare. Well done." James left the classroom and Tom said, "Yeah it was a beautiful stag." Pablo said, "Wow maybe I underestimated how good James is."
Then nothing much or interesting happened and so every student went on the train and went back home for another year.
Time travel Harry Potter
FantasyWar has gone completely wrong too many innocent lives has fallen Harry wants anything to change it and make it better. My Tom will be mostly out of character he'll change quite a lot but still an interesting character. Somewhere there will be male...