Chapter 40 fourth winter and presentation

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During the winter Hermione stayed over at Harry's house so they could work on the project. Harry asked "What was it that Tom said that made you have an idea?" Hermione said "Aberforth said Pablo changed something in his past to have this reality. I think the thing he changed was Tom. I think Tom was different, he wasn't a minister of magic. I think Tom was someone different." Harry's head was hurting with so much knowledge and said "Wow that's cool, I wonder what the other Tom was like." Hermione said "That's one mystery we won't know unless we ask Pablo." Harry bravely asked "Do you think Tom killed Pablo's parents?" Hermione gasped and replied "Harry James Potter, are you trying to make my head do too much work, your question is annoyingly good and I cannot answer it, but we could end on that question and see the audience's reaction."  Harry laughed and said "Please that would be awesome."

All students returned and also on the train was extra carage for the mum's and dad's. Hermione's parents had a spell so they could see Hogwarts.
The presentation started. Ron was the first Gryffindor, he said "My name is Ron Weasley and I am scared of spiders. My project is a potion that overcomes your fear temporarily so the person can understand it. I have been drinking the potion for over a month now  and I need Hagrid to bring a spider near me and place it on my hands." Hagrid did exactly that and Ron showed the audience that he wasn't shaking. Ron said "At first I wouldn't even go near spiders but now they don't bother me." Ron bowed and went off stage.
Dumbledore said "Wow that's astonishing, I wonder if it helps werewolves." Ron said " I am sure Snape and I would show you how to make the potion and if Remus wants to volunteer then I am happy to try."  Remus's ears perked up and said "Yes please, Ron show me during your fifth year." Ron nodded and said "Okay that's a deal." 

Next was Draco he said "My name Draco and I have discovered how to fly without a broom." Madam Hooch said "That's impossible, if you managed to do this then you might have made a new game of quidditch." Draco gulped and said "Okay i'll prove it. To do this spell I needed to learn to have my own wand because it's the spell professor Flickwick taught us in first year." Professor Flickwick asked"You don't mean you mastered wingsrdian levosa?"  Draco nodded. He hovered his wand like you would do a broom because he adapted his wand to act like a broom. Draco said "I needed to improve my broom which is why I went to see Mr Olivander and asked if a wand can have the hovering action as a broom. He said yes it can why would you change your wand? I said if your own wand could point at you and do harmless spells then it might have the potential to make you fly." Draco did exactly that and flew once around Hogwarts grand hall. Draco bowed and everyone applauded. 

Then it was Harry and Hermione's turn. Hermione began "Our project began by me sending letters to minister Tom and asking about professor Pablo Jay Harrington. He told me that he knew Pablo since he was ten and he was sixteen." Harry said "We found that information very useful so we asked professor Snape about Pablo he told us that the curse Grindelwald gave him was able to produce Daniel. We are sorry that we weren't able to speak to you." Daniel said "If you want information I would happy to provide some after your presentation." Hermione said "Yes please that would mean we talked to everyone that were touched by Pablo. Then we talked to the headmaster Dumbledore, we found out he was a time-traveler then we went to Aberforth and his information was very intriguing. He told us that Pablo traveled back to solve a problem. After winter we talked to Lucius to understand how Pablo could talk to snakes.  This was because of an evil wizard trying to kill him but his mother's love protected him. Finally we talked to Tom riddle." Harry said "That's when we found the significance of Aberforth's question about what he wanted to change. We think he wanted to change Tom. We think this Tom is different from the Tom Pablo knew and so our question is do you the audience think a different Tom killed Pablo's parents?" Everyone clapped at the end of Harry and Hermione's presentation and everyone started to have a good feast.

 Unknown to everyone Aberforth went to find Pablo painting and said "Wow Pablo you wanted a different reality, now you certainly have one when you return and wake up again you are going to be shocked how much things have changed, you told me you never wanted to be famous but now you're famous for a whole different reason I just hope people can cope when they realise you are Harry Potter. This Harry only got two more years until he turned seventeen I just hope you are ready to see what this Harry went through."

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