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Takes place in season 2
Gilbert x female reader
Y/N = Your Name


"I heard that there's going to be a huge storm tonight." Gilbert said as we walked through the forest from school.

I scoffed. "Who told you such a thing? Also, how would they be able to predict the weather... that's impossible."

Gilbert laughed. "Maybe someday it will become possible Y/N, you never know," He looked over at me and smiled. "And as for my sources, I can't reveal them."

I rolled my eyes. "Gilbert Blythe, you sure are a weird boy."

"I'm not so weird that you don't enjoy our company together." He said proudly.

I shrugged. "Weird you may be, but your company is very comfortable. I've enjoyed our daily walks from school to home."

A smile appeared on his face. "I know you have. I as well."

The rest of the walk was very quiet. Neither of us wanted to speak, since we had nothing to say, so we didn't. Gilbert's house always came first, so we waved goodbyes as he went in. My house was not even a five minute walk away, so doing it by my lonesome was quite alright.

When I entered the front gate of our home, I looked up at the sky. The clouds did look awfully dark and mean. Perhaps Gilbert could have been right about the storm- but also, maybe not.

My parents greeted me as I walked in, and then I cleaned up and helped mother prepare for supper. After we ate, I did some studying and reading. Father went to the barn to tend to it. The night was typical, normal. Nothing unusual happened- not until 1:30 in the night. A loud clap of thunder roared throughout the night sky. I could see the lightening even when my bedroom window was covered by a curtain.

Soon my parents barged in. "We're going into town sweetie! Somebody's farm has just been struck my lightning. We're going to help him tend to it. You stay here safe and sound, alright?"

And then they were off. They had left me alone in our dark house while the thunder roared angrily outside. I tip toed down to our living area, lit a candle and sat there, waiting for them to come back.

An hour past, and I waited. I sat silently, jumping every time the thunder clapped and the rain slapped the roof above.

Then something suspicious happened. A knock on the door brought me out of my dark thoughts.

I jumped up and ran to answer it, but it wasn't my parents- who I had hoped it was- instead it was Gilbert Blythe.

The curly haired boy stood outside, soaking wet.

"May I come in?" He asked, shivering from the cold.

"Of course!" I said quickly and pulled him inside.

"Thank you so much Y/N. It's just- Bash went to help in town with the flooding and such, and I couldn't be alone in my house." He rambled on, but I just nodded.

"I understand perfectly, Gilbert. I too was frightened out of my bones in my house alone." I gave a reassuring smile his way and gestured him in the kitchen.

"You must be freezing." I said very matter of factly.

Gilbert nodded. "The rain is sure pouring out there."

I grabbed a blanket from our closet and wrapped it around him. We were sitting on our kitchen table now.

"It gives me great comfort that you are here now Gilbert. Being alone-the silence- it was terrifyingly horrible."

Gilbert smiled. "I'm glad I could make you feel better. That makes me feel quite well."

We both locked eyes for a moment, but that was cut short because we both looked away as quick as can be. I wanted to look at him more, I found myself thinking, but I would never say that out loud.

Gilbert tapped his hands on the table her awkwardly, but I didn't mind. I just shut my eyes and leaned back in the chair.


When I woke up the next day, I was in my bed and not the chair where I had fallen asleep on the night before.

I was startled. How did I get here? I ran down to see my parents in the kitchen starting on breakfast.

"Sleepy head." My mother said, chuckling slightly.

"How did I get into my bed last night?" I asked quickly.

My dad looked over at me, a confused look on his face. "Why, you just went upstairs and laid down in it. Didn't ya?"

My mother and father laughed at their own silliness. I just furrowed my brow. So they hadn't carried me up there... it must have been-

"I must go over to the Blythes!" I shouted out loud- a tad bit too loud I may add.

"Why is that?" My mother asked.

"I need to return some of the school books Gilbert lent out to me. He said he needed hem today." I lied. I never liked to fib, but this one came out ever so effortlessly.

They just nodded, and I ran over to Gilbert's house. If it was a five minute walk, then it was a three minute run.

When I got there, I was out of breath. So out of it that I couldn't even knock until I caught it. But I finally did, and I banged my hand against his front door.

It wasn't Gilbert who opened it though. It was Sebastian. I had heard plenty about him, but we had never actually been acquainted.

"Ah. Y/N." He said with a thick accent. "I'll go fetch Gilbert for you." And then he left the door and went back into his house.

After a moment, Gilbert appeared. His curly hair was disheveled, and it looked as if he had just woken up.

"Good morning Gilbert." I said flatly.

He smiled. "Well good morning Y/N. How are you?"

I stood up straighter. "Quite well. Yourself?"

"I'm doing fine and dandy. But that storm last night... it was a wild one."

"About that... did you... um-I..." I suddenly couldn't speak. I had made eye contact with him, and now my ability to form a full sentence had disappeared.

"Did I carry you to your bed last night?" He asked for me.

I nodded.

"Why of course I did. I couldn't let you sleep on that uncomfortable wooden chair. So I carried you up. Is there a problem with that?" He had an innocent look in his eyes, but his grin said otherwise.

I began to blush a slight bit. "No. No problem at all. I just wanted to say thank you... is all."

He smiled wide. "You're welcome."

I smiled back, and took my leave. I had made a promise to myself to not look back... but it was easily broken, for Gilbert had other plans.

"Y/N!" He shouted, and I turned back to face him. Even at a distance he was charming. "I heard there's going to be another storm tonight!"

I smiled and shouted back. "That's a shame!"


K this is ass I'm sorry

Leave a comment about what u thought and maybe a request

Also excuse any grammar or spelling errors it's very late


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