Strangled by the Red String

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Then again, I think it did work. I'd had crushes on boys like Zane, and human boys at my high school— but those feelings were gone after that spell. For a moment, I was afraid— but then I reminded myself, how I'd never have a broken heart again. Surely it would be worth it.

The Aunts noticed a change in me— they noticed I was colder, more distant. But then again, I'd always been the lone wolf type, so I don't think they pressed as hard as they should have.

Some liked the challenge of a cold girl who was now immune to wolffish and boyish charms alike. But they learned soon enough, not to mess with a witch.


Southlands Pack- the largest pack, taking over the entire southern half of the United States. Formed from smaller packs and rogues, the Southlanders are militaristic and aggressive.

Only fools would dare tangle with the Southlands Pack.

-Josephine Bishop, 1839


"They wouldn't dare," Aunt Regina cried as I walked in from school.

It was the day before the Masquerade Ball, and everything was frantic to begin with.

"With what?" I asked.

Aunt Sabrina and Aunt Regina turned to me,  Aunt Regina looking furious, and Aunt Sabrina looking stricken and pale.

"The Druid Pack's been expanding their territory," Aunt Regina said. "They're no longer confined to Greenheart Mountain. Recently, their leader, Fenrir Lamar, launched an attack on some of the outer territories of the Southlands."

"What?" I frowned. "The Druids are a small pack— or they were. How are they winning?"

"They're growing in numbers because of their conquered territories— but the rumor is that their wolves can do magic on their own— including Alpha Lamar and his son," Aunt Sabrina whispered.

"Which is ridiculous," Aunt Regina reminded us. "Hecate split the Children of the Moon into two for a reason."

A reason they haven't found in any religious text. I bit my lip.

"But if it is. . ." Aunt Sabrina trailed off, letting us imagine the implications for ourselves.

"It isn't." Aunt Regina was cold, her tone matter-of-fact. "And they're just testing the boundaries. They'd know better than to go against the biggest pack in America."

"Wolves aren't exactly known for being rational," I argued.

"Lower your voice!" Aunt Sabrina glanced out the window. "We can't say things like that!"

"That's exactly what led to Mina falling in love with a monster-hunter," Aunt Regina said, shaking her head.

There were so many things I wanted to say— but I didn't. I shut my mouth, and nodded. Then I silently stormed past them, to finish the potions preparations for the Masquerade Ball. I also had half a mind to brew a potion to help me stay awake the next night.


The Children of the Moon worship four central goddesses: Artemis, Selene, Nyx, and Hecate. They represent four primary aspects of the lives of the Children of the Moon.

-Lenora Owens, 1972


I wore a red long-sleeved dress that night, with a much more modest neckline. My hair was pulled out of my face, no tendrils loose, and makeup covered the scars on the left side of my face. I wasn't ugly, but I wouldn't draw attention.

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