Love Magic

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The sun began to sink into the trees and the moon had already risen into the blue sky when the Harvest Moon Hunt finally returned.

Chanting some hunting song that sounded guttural and warlike, the young men and women alike were sprinting with smiles on their faces, ecstatic.

Some were even still in their wolf forms, sprinting ahead of all of the others.

And yet there were still others, some of the older members of the pack that had chosen to hunt this year, that were carrying several deer and other large prey animals.

I knew something was up though when Minty stood on tiptoe, using me and Surt for a boost.

"Is that?"

"I think it is," Surt said. Her dark brown eyes followed the crowd. Her eyebrows knitted together.

Bringing up the rear, Beta Oxbow and several Delta and Epsilon men were carrying a white deer that was much larger than any ordinary deer, with glowing golden horns.

"Excellent, they got a moon-deer!" Minty reclined back on her heels, oblivious to Surt's growing distress. "I do love those!"

I tapped Surt's shoulder. "What's wrong?"

"I thought you'd be the first to notice," she mumbled. "I haven't seen Huron. . . "

"Well, it is a large crowd." Yet in spite of myself, I did feel a bit of panic. Sure, the wolves were hypercompetent hunters, but that didn't mean that things didn't happen. . .

"I'm sure he's fine."

"Right." Surt did not look convinced.

Fair enough.

I looked back to Minty, wanting more information on what she'd brought up after the dawn, at the bonfire.

"So there's a small feast and dance and then. . . "

"Then we are to room with and care for our mates," Beta Lysistrata interrupted. "It is our sacred duty."

"Right." I nodded, even if I wasn't entirely on-board with that. I was starting to wonder if all of these sacred rituals and such really were for divine purposes— or as a means of control?

After all, what Goddess would let one of her children subjugate the others and call it right?

Was it a goddess I wanted to believe in?

I sighed. At least Huron was decent— I knew that much, now. He was trying. It was just that I. . . I wasn't ready. I didn't want love in my life.

But was that the potion speaking? Or me?

I reached a hand to my head, to steady the headdress. These were not thoughts for right now. I squared my shoulders, acting as much of a Luna as I could.

Then, before I could process anything else, there were yells and Minty was punching my shoulder— hard.

"Look!" Surt screamed.

Alpha Lamar was carrying Huron, bloodied and wounds glowing gold.

My hands went to my mouth. "Oh Hecate— he—"

"The moon-deer got him," Surt said grimly. "Come on, they're taking him to the infirmary—"

To my surprise, I practically flew on the cobblestones, making my way through the crowd. They practically vaulted out of my way. I don't know if it was my desperation or because they could see I was Luna Heiress, but it didn't matter.

I had to know that Huron was alright.


Don't be fooled by the beauty of the moon-deer— there's a reason why they are so prized by the wolves. They're elusive, and they fight dirty. As pathetic as it sounds, the moon-deer is the quarry that brings down the most wolves during the Hunt.

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