Something Red

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This was it. My wedding day. All too quickly, September 22nd had come.

But my wedding jitters had nothing to do with the ceremony and the vows. No, it was what would come after. All of our careful planning, all ready to come into fruition.

Despite Kaia and Freya cheerfully chatting as they helped style the crown into my hair and slather makeup on my face to hide the scars, Tala was frightfully quiet.

She knew what was at stake.

While the Deltas worked on me, I knew that Minty was taking the dagger and sliding it down the back of her dress like she was Wonder Woman. It would look like a decoration in the back of her dress, so no one would be suspicious.

We just had to stick to the plan, and we would be fine.

"Nervous?" Kaia finally asking me, something strange in her hazel eyes.

"Yes," I admitted, forcing myself to smile. 

"Don't be— Selene chose you two for a reason," Kaia promised. "And I can't wait to see it!"

"Me too."

Freya finished securing in the crown. "That should do it. It won't fall out during the chase."

"Right." I picked at the ribbon on my wrist. "I don't know— I'm just worried that he'll catch me before the venue—"

"That won't happen," Freya promised. "He'll slow down for you, if you're not a good runner."

But I understood the implications of the statement. Usually, Selene picked mates on even footing in terms of athletic ability, as well as everything else.

I ignored the hidden implication as I looked at myself in the mirror. Now the gauntness was starting to show on my face. Not that it seemed to matter to anyone except Tala.

But at least I looked like a pretty bride. Harmless, by wolf standards.

But I knew that I wasn't.

"Showtime," I exhaled.


I won't let anyone control my life any longer.

I will burn it all down.

They will be sorry.

-Mina Bishop, 2009


Now I stood in the middle of the forest, surrounded by my bridesmaids. I was to run all the way from here to Glasswater Lake. Because of my lack of athletic prowess, we determined it to be a short distance.

I would wait for the sound of the trumpets and—


And then I was off, running into the woods. The forest path had been cleared in the wedding preparations, so I didn't have to worry about the twigs or thorns against my bare feet.

Even despite Freya's reassurances, I did genuinely want to run faster, faster than Huron, not be caught—

Before I knew it, I stumbled to a stop in front of the arch under which Huron and I were to be married.

Huron was right behind me, and without missing a beat, he took my hands into his.

Beta Oxbow stood in front of us— he was to perform the marriage ceremony.

The rest of the pack emerged from the woods, all standing in white to celebrate the "tying of the knot" so to speak of Selene's red threads.

I don't even remember the majority of it. It all blurred together when the memory of what would come after. It was all anticipation.

I do remember sliding the ring on Huron's finger and then him reciprocating.

Then it was time for the reception.

We were seated right next to the Alpha. So close. As requested, Minty was next to me.

The Guild servers were all around. I'd spoken with them, and they were in fact as eager as young Iris had been in the library.

I knew the Hunters would be in the trees, should we need them.

But maybe it would be simpler, if I was just fast enough—

I grasped Huron's hand as Beta Oxbow stood.

"If I could have your attention, I would like to make a toast—"

It was now or never.

In one moment of pure adrenaline, I drew the dagger from the back of Minty's dress and plunged it into the heart of the unsuspecting Alpha Lamar.

He slumped in his seat, and my hearing all blurred to the beat of my heart.

I pulled out the blade, and time slowed.

Gasps echoed, people were already rising from their chairs to attack me, to avenge their fallen Alpha, the Hunters were about to come through the trees and the Guild members were already darting into place to shield me—

"Enough!" Huron stood. "Everybody stand down."

I think they surprised even themselves when they plummeted back into their chairs.

"I am your Alpha now, and you will not touch my Luna," he snarled.

He then looked to me, with a sort of tenderness. "Well. Not my Luna. The most Honorable Lorna Harrison."

He'd used my true last name.


This wasn't a part of the plan—

His fingers found my wrist. "May I?"

"What are you—"

"I was thinking about it, everything you said about what the wolves stole from you, who you wanted to become," he said. "I want to give it all back to you. I spoke with Bennett— she'll take you. You can finish your high school diploma, you can go to college— I'll pay for it. It's the least I can do, since you've ended the wars."

"But what about us?" I thought of why I removed the spell. "What if I find someone else?"

"Then I'm glad you're happy." He untied the ribbon. "You're free, Lorna. You can come back whenever you'd like. It's all up to you now."


"Because I love you."

I nodded, finally understanding. "Thank you."

And with one last kiss, I walked into the woods, where my people were waiting.

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