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The next day, Huron requested specially that we eat breakfast with the Beta and Beta Heiress to talk about the wedding. I invited Surt and Tala as well, claiming that they would be my bridesmaids, and so they were necessary.

But this wasn't going to be a wedding discussion.

Well, it sort of would.

But we needed co-conspirators, if we were going to kill Alpha Lamar.

"We have to trust Atlas and Minty," Huron reminded me. "He's my Beta— it's a bond stronger than any loyalty to the current Alpha."

I hoped he was right. I thought Tala and Surt a more safe bet. They had more reasons than even I did to hate Alpha Lamar and want him dead.

I warned the Guild members that were supposed to be attending to us that we wanted complete privacy, and promised that we would not complain about such things.

After all, there were more important things than breakfast at stake.

I cast a spell to make sure we weren't listened in on, and the curtains were drawn as soon as the others entered.

We all sat around the table while Huron gave the perimeter one more check-over.

Then he stood at the spot next to me.

"I'm sure you are wondering why we have called you here today." Huron was calm, a small fire in his eye. He looked like a leader. "We've decided that things cannot keep going the way they have in this pack. And we're not going to wait until my father dies to make them happen."

"We're going to kill Alpha Lamar." Now that I'd spoken the words, we couldn't take them back. We were committing treason against the current Alpha. Not that it would mater, once Huron got into power.

But we had to get there first.

Surt was the first to speak. "About time."

Tala blinked as she took in her mate with surprise. "Excuse me?"

"We've been nearly adults for how long?" Surt asked. "We can take him— more of us than him. No matter how good he is, he can't take on a bunch of us at once, especially if someone doesn't shift and uses spellwork, too."

She then looked to me, and I nodded. "I also have a weapon to do it. A blade called wolfsbane."

"Even better." Atlas grinned, leaning back. "I was wondering when you were finally going to stand up to the bastard."

"I'm glad you're onboard," Huron said. Some color returned to his cheeks. "We're going to do it as soon as possible— as soon as I could ascend, and the Beta wouldn't be made a regent in the meantime."

"Your wedding?" Minty's jaw dropped. "We're going to Game of Thrones your wedding?"

I ignored the fact that I had not seen or read Game of Thrones. "Yeah, I think so."

Atlas let out a low whistle. "I'm impressed, Bishop. That's the kind of Luna we need around here."

"We're going to do so much once we are in charge," Huron promised. "Free the Guild, end the wars— allow same-sex mates to formally marry, and be protected under our leadership."

"Really?" Tala's eyes were wide. She and Surt exchanged an excited glance. "You really mean—"

"The first wedding will be yours," Huron promised. "Whatever you want, you'll get."

"Let's not worry about wedding bells just yet," Atlas wanted. "We need to actually pull this off. Do you have a plan?"

"Yes." I spoke, drawing all eyes to me. "But you'll have to listen carefully. There's also one stop we'll have to make to put this into action."

"Where is that?" Surt asked.

"The Sanctuary in Star Falls." I stood beside Huron. "We're going to need help from the Hunters. Especially since we're ending the wars with them, too."


Some believe that the Druids magic comes from more intermarriage with the Guild. Others believe that it has something to do with being closer to the Moon Goddessses. And others remember that the Druids are far older than nay other pack on the continent, and maybe other wolves in general.

-Lorna Harrison, 2019


Under the guise of a fun pre-wedding trip, we were able to leave for Star Falls in a limo. The drivers and Epsilons dropped us off at the mall in Star Falls. But we quickly ditched and headed to the Sanctuary.

It was there, that I rang the doorbell, full of more confidence and bravado than the first time.

Bennett was the one to answer this time.

"You brought wolves," she said, neglecting any other pleasantries.

"Allies." I glanced at Huron. "Some aspects of our plan before has changed— one of which involves a treaty. For peace between the Druids and Hunters."

Bennet raised an eyebrow. "Tell the dogs to behave themselves."

"We're house-trained, we promise," Surt said eagerly.

"I see." Bennett paused. "Wait here a moment."

So we stood there awkwardly on the doorstep until Bennett returned, with Uncle Luke standing behind her with a shotgun I was certain was magical.

The others behind me awkwardly waved as I gave my best, most charming smile.

"I thought it might be nice to meet your in-laws."

Uncle Luke sighed.


Witches and wolves may have mated before, but never as high as the Alpha. Glad to make history, I guess. Maybe it's time that everything changes.

-Lorna Harrison, 2019


"You make a convincing idea for a treaty," Bennett agreed. "And we would back you up, should you do your job. But it might be worth exploiting the Guild as well."

"The Guild?" Huron and I exchanged a look.

"Some things have been changing faster elsewhere this summer than they have in the Druids," Bennett explained. She then looked to Gretel, who was signing quickly and fluidly to Gracey. "Gracey's been doing some research, while he's been recording the rebellions in the Southlands."

"Rebellions?" My blood went cold.

"Strikes, destruction of property— they want to hide that from you, I'd bet." Uncle Luke nodded at Huron. "Can't have their pretty witch Luna getting any ideas."

"Too bad I had them first," I muttered. "What happened?"

"Many of the smaller packs under Southlander domain have been overthrown by members of the Guild," Gretel said. "Those packs are scattered. The main Southlander pack still stands, but it is only a matter of time."

"Really?" I wondered vaguely if the Aunts were free now? Or if they had done anything with the rebellion, after their little talk with me.

"So we have the Guild help ambush at the reception," Huron said. "You'll come in as well, and Minty will smuggle the dagger in. Lorna will get it some point and—"

"You get stabby," Bennett said, looking straight at me.


"It'll all be you," Bennett warned. "If you fail—"

"Make me a martyr," I said. "One way or another, it all will burn to the ground."

Bennett regarded me with approval. "I knew I liked you, Lorna Harrison."

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