The Will of the Goddess

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The rest of the summer seemed to fly by in the blink of an eye. Then again, routines kind of do that to you.

First, I'd be awakened by Tala, who would dress me in something suitably feminine. And every single time, I tried to stop myself from thinking of what I would have chosen to wear, if given the chance.

I'd then go to breakfast, and do whatever I could to avoid being there any longer than I had to. Despite Tala's concerns, I just wanted to keep out of the light as much as possible. Especially because I was starting to grow paranoid around Alpha Lamar.

I just knew that he was plotting to kill me. No obvious fact or observable evidence told me this. But I knew it all the same, was absolutely convinced of this fact.

I would then hurry off to a lesson from Delta D'Anaconia. It was like school— but this time I had to pay attention. After all, this time it would be preparing me for my inevitable and ever-looming future.

Or at least, it would for however long it took for me to have kids, I kept reminding myself bitterly.

Then it was lunch, a similar affair to breakfast. Afterwards, I'd go to Delta Lupe, and talk with her about things like hair, makeup, and my dress.

I actually did take a bit of pride in my dress. It was medieval-looking, with a white shift underneath and a red gown over it, with golden brackets securing it into place, along with the golden belt. The sleeves dangled, and the gauzy white shift continued all the way to my hands.

It matched perfectly, too, with the crown I would wear.

Because Artemis, the most central Moon Goddess was the one to wear a headdress of antlers in all depictions, Lunas were supposed to wear them in their weddings.

I would have to practice running in the gilded grown with golden antlers sticking out of them. I was to be barefoot, in my gown and with the tiara, running to the venue, with Huron in chase.

It was a ritual idea that honestly made me kind of uncomfortable.

But that wasn't exactly high on anyone's list of priorities.

Still, Lupe at least did take my opinion about the dress into consideration, which was more than I could have hoped for, if we are being entirely honest.

Perhaps because he knew our wedding was running closer, and he hadn't done all that much to make good on his bargain, Huron spent some time with me in the evenings, before the dinners.

We would sit in the library, usually with some tea brought by some poor member of the Guild, and we would read. Usually we ended up switching books at some point, and sometimes we would talk about it.

After that, it would be time for dinner, where I'd repeat the same meal experiences as the first two times.

Then, afterwards, the wolves liked to dance. Huron never did, but he always asked me to dance.

I did, and for once in my day, I could reliably not feel Fenrir Lamar glaring at me.

Instead, I enjoyed dancing with the people who were supposed to be a part of my kingdom. I'd often invite standing members of the Guild into the dances, and Lamar never stopped me.

In fact, the others seemed to like their dancing queen.

After that, I was to go to bed. But usually, I spent some time practicing with Wolfsbane. Then I'd sleep a dreamless sleep, and it was repeated, all over again.

It only highlighted how lonely an existence it was, with the packs. Cut off from everyone, it was hard to not want to run away again, to join the Hunters and say forget the mission.

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