Chapter 25

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In the middle of the week, Mischa joined his sister, Mallory and Carl at the breakfast table. Tension was still high between Mallory and her husband, who ate fast and left the table without a word. But, with his absence, conversation picked up again.

“What’s on your schedule for today?” Mischa asked, forcing some cheerfulness. “Any fun plans?”

Aneta was a little uncomfortable, especially since Mallory and Carl were still not getting along. Mischa was hoping she would get to enjoy her day.

“Aneta has an appointment with Dr. Leblanc,” Mallory explained. “Maybe, after, we'll find something fun to do.”

The young girl soured even more. Picking at her meal, she asked, grumbling, “Why do I have to talk to Dr. Leblanc?”

Mischa understood her frustration. He also found it hard to confide in the psychologist at first, but he was glad for his listening ear now. He wished Aneta would see the benefit in her therapy. Mischa was really worried about her. She was handling the transition to the world pretty well, but he knew what the Keeper had told her. About the world's wickedness, the threat of people, the “ways out.” He knew how hard it was to learn that everything you grew believing is wrong. He was worried too about what Aneta might have experienced with the Keeper, in private.

Mischa stared at her as she ate, his heart racing with concern. “Dr. Leblanc asks a lot of questions, eh?”

Aneta nodded resentfully.

“But that's a good thing,” Mallory intervened. “It makes you think.” She pointed to her temple playfully.

“It’s important to take care of yourself,” Mischa explained, sounding just like Mallory, Dr. Leblanc or Francine. “To work through things.”

Aneta mumbled some more, “I don't want to think about the commune.”

Mischa lost the smile he had forced. If only it were that simple, to just forget.

“I can understand that,” Mallory replied. “You can talk to him about other things, like going to school.”

“Or how you and Carl are fighting,” Aneta suggested.

Mallory and Mischa froze in place. The teacher must have known her foster children were aware of the difficulties, but it was still a shock to hear it.

Before she could answer, Mortimer and Timothy walked up to her feet and let out some powerful, whining meows. Mallory turned to them.

“Oh, did I forget to feed you?” She asked. “Poor kitties, let me go get you some food.” Mallory rose and walked towards the kitchen.

Restless, Mischa wondered if he should say anything more to his sister. She wasn't eating anymore, too gloomy to do so.

“Everything is going to be okay,” Mischa promised her.

Aneta looked up, her blue eyes shining in the light of the dining room chandelier. She had Oksana's eyes, Mischa found himself thinking. Surely, when Aneta grew up, she would be as beautiful as her mother.

Finally, Aneta nodded.

The siblings returned to their meals, quietly comforted in each other’s presence.


At school, Mischa had a math test in the morning. He didn't mind tests too much. It was nice to enjoy quiet time in class and not have to worry about having to answer teachers' questions in front of the whole class.

After the test, Mischa had gym class, where he played badminton. He had gathered a bit of a reputation as a good player. When his classmates faced him in a game, they joked that Mischa would surely win, and often, he did. He was actually enjoying himself.

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