Chapter 1. background knowledge

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"Do you need anything before bed Mackenzie?" Paul, the starchild asked me before getting in the shower. "No" I answered and went back to hugging my photo of Vinnie. Vinnie is currently away on tour with his band, Vinnie Vincent Invasion, and he always makes me feel safer.

How did I get here? Well, My mom died a while back and my brothers were too young to take care of me, so KISS took me in. Paul is like my father since he worries about me the most, while Vinnie is the man I love the most.

What started my obsession with him? My mother always listened to weird stuff, such as Tears for Fears and Duran Duran. I listened to KISS, and started with the album lick it up in '83 at the age of 16, coincidentally when my mother died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 39. I am now 20 years old and still live with them, while my brothers are 22 and 24 respectively. Anyway, my obsession with Vinnie started after watching the lick it up video and realizing he was good looking and an amazing player. I have yet to tell him.

To briefly describe everyone I've encountered in kiss so far, well, everyone I know that has been in kiss because of the mansion, I'd start with Paul. Paul Stanley is like my father. He checks up on me, asks me if I'm ok, and overall makes me feel good about myself. When I came out as bisexual he supported me nonstop and continues to today. In one word, he's amazing.

Next up is Gene Simmons. He's non-committal, and has had every woman and probably her sister or mother in bed with him. To me, Gene is like my annoying brother. I get along well with him, but not as well as I would like to. In one word, a womanizer.

Third is Ace Frehley. He's like my best friend. I can count on him for anything. He's goofy, creative and nice, while somehow remaining hardworking and vigilant, that's something I admire him for. He's a goofball.

Fourth is Peter Criss. He's my kinda friend, kinda enemy. He supports me, but doesn't agree with the lgbt community, which I am a part of. Sometimes he annoys me to the point of breaking because of his addiction to drugs. He's a druggie.

Fifth is Eric Carr, the current kiss drummer. He's like a cousin to me. Everyone has that cousin that's overly sweet that it's suspicious right? He's very kind and I appreciate him a lot, and he doesn't annoy me like Peter does. He's a sweetheart.

Sixth is Vinnie Vincent. He's my crush that I love so damn much. I just wanna kiss those forever smiling lips and hug him so tight that it's physically impossible to let go. He makes me feel safe, and nervous at the same time. He's hot.

Next is Mark St. John. He's like a stranger. There's nothing really to say about him, because I don't know him all too well. I know that he has an arthritic condition in his hands. He's mysterious.

Finally is Bruce Kulick. He's like my uncle. He has helped me through so many things and I can't thank him enough. He encouraged me to come out of the closet as bisexual. He's cool.

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