chapter 3. the Date

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When the time came for mine and Vinnie's date, I  got ready. I did some gold and black themed makeup and I wore a cute little gold dress to impress Vinnie. I walked out of the bathroom, where I was getting changed and Vinnie's jaw dropped. "Oh hello miss gorgeous, where are we going this evening? " He asked. I told him "Olive Garden. " He held my hand and we walked to his car, a corvette. "M'lady. " He said all gentlemanly while opening the passengers side door for me. I thanked him and got in, turning on the radio. Pour some sugar on me blasted, and he got in next to me, singing along. We sang along to the radio the whole way to Olive Garden.

We made our reservation just in time, and Vinnie and I sat down. He took my hand and we looked through the menu together, hoping to find a decent meal. " How about the rigatoni? " He asked. I nodded my head in agreement. I layed my head on his shoulder since we were sitting next to each other. He hugged me closer to him and smiled. " You know Mackenzie, I've been in love with you for the longest time. I just didn't know how to tell you. I really do love you. " He said to me sincerely. " I love you too Vinnie. " I lifted my head and he looked over and kissed me sweetly. I kissed back then looked at my menu, looking for something nonalcoholic to drink. I finally went with a pepsi and looked up at him.

The waitress came around to our table and looked at us. "What can I get ya to drink today? " She asked. I told her we'd be getting pepsis. She left to fulfill our order and I looked at Vinnie. He held my hand with his own, caressing my thumb with his ever so gently. I love this man so much. I'm proud of him every day.

The waitress brought our drinks out and set them on the table. "What would you like to eat, starting with you miss? " She asked. I told her we'd be getting the same meal, the rigatoni with red sauce. Vinnie smiled his brightest smile, then took a sip of his drink. " I'm proud of myself, " I told him, " that I finally claimed you as mine, Mr. Handsome. "  He smiled at me and grabbed my hand again. " Well, I'm planning on having a life with you. 3 kids, a house, a dog, and a million dollars. " He said to me.  " How about 4 dogs and a cute little hamster?" I giggled at my own joke.

The waitress brought out the food and we waited for it to cool down a bit. When I thought it was cool enough to eat, I stole a bite of Vinnie's food. He giggled and stole a bite of mine. At this point, I was on my third pepsi. He was on his second. " So, wanna become official, Mackenzie? Like a couple?" He asked. " of course! Why wouldn't I? " I replied. He looked at me and kissed me softly. We finished our food and our pepsis. The waitress brought the bill.

We paid the bill, and then left a 7.90 tip, which is roughly 18%. I figured the tip out. I'm a human calculator, and am working on a PhD in mathematics. We left and Vinnie kissed me roughly, starting to make out with me. "I don't want a kid at 20, Vincent. " I told him. He respected my wishes, sort of. Vinnie held my hand and we went to the car. I got in and then he did, cranking van Halen. We drove home and I sang along with the song, because I knew all the words. We went inside the house.

I  awoke the next morning sick. I went and took a pregnancy test. I did sleep with him last night, maybe something happened. Positive. "Fuck" I exclaimed. I went to wake Vinnie up. "What babe?" He asked me. "You got me pregnant. " I told him, tears in my eyes. He smiled at me. "Baby, we're gonna be parents. That's exciting." He said somewhat happily.

I told the guys in kiss, and Paul hugged me. He was happy that I was gonna be a mother. Gene shrugged like it was any other thing. Ace said "my baby's growing up" and sobbed. Peter smiled. Eric held my hand. Mark told me some advice, and it was that babies cry a lot. And Bruce was happy for me.

Vinnie took me to the hospital to get me checked out, to see if the pregnancy was real. It was, and while he was happy, I was scared. "It'll be okay baby, I promise. I'm right here for you." He told me. Then the doctor came back in with an ultrasound machine. "Lay back." She instructed me. I did as I was told and she put some sort of gel on my stomach, and scanned the area. She looked suprised at the results. "Is this your first pregnancy? " She asked me. I told her yes. She motioned for Vinnie to look at the monitor.

"It's triplets. Three of them baby! Isn't that exciting as hell?" He told me. I nearly had a heart attack. Three of them? That's too many. "It's scary Vinnie. Very scary." I told him. We went back home. I told everyone. "Not only am I pregnant, but there's three." Everyone was as shocked as I was. They then congratulated me and Vinnie. "I'll have to throw a gender reveal party!" Eric exclaimed. I smiled at him.

I put my hand on my stomach. I then smiled, realizing that I'm having the man I love's babies. "Vinnie!" I called him in. "What is it, my love?" He asked. "Thank you for giving me an amazing relationship and these triplets. I love you. " I told him. "You're welcome and I love you too." He replied, then kissed me on the cheek. I smiled and blushed. I then kissed his cheek. I'm so happy right now.

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