Chapter 7. Month 4

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This month I'm able to know the genders of my babies, so Eric is throwing a baby shower/gender reveal party. The party is to start at 4 pm, as soon as I got out of class. I payed good attention to my teacher's  lesson, since she yelled at me for daydreaming last time. I looked at my paper. There was my full name, Mackenzie Sidney Ashley. I really want my last name to be Vincent, but I can't have that. Yet.

As soon as I got home, the first person I saw was Paul Stanley. "You aren't supposed to be home yet!" He exclaimed. "I dropped P.E. if you're forgetting, Paul." I explained. "Well, how was your concert a couple nights ago? You never told me." He asked, obviously trying to get me to avoid going somewhere. "It was good. The guitarist, Tommy, was actually really good, he could've been in kiss." I joked. Paul looked at me, smiling. "I'm glad you had fun," he said, "by the way, don't go into the backyard for 20 minutes. "

After 20 minutes, I went to the backyard, and there were people everywhere. Gene had gotten the gender card, and he had set up 3 boxes which would contain balloons the color of the babies' genders. Pink for girl and blue for boy. "Hey Mackenzie, are you excited? " Gene asked me. "Of course," I replied, "why wouldn't I be? Right now I'm nervous and excited to know the genders." He smiled at me. He was happy that I was happy.

Ace had been setting up a playlist, buying different records for different songs. "Hey Squirt, out of these songs what do we play first?" He asked. "How about Lights?" I suggested. "Good choice!" He complimented me and played it. The first song of the whole thing, with all these guests around. Alice Cooper and Slash were in attendance, and I've always wanted to meet them. Maybe I'll ask Peter to introduce me to Alice, and Eric to introduce me to Slash.

When I found Peter about 30 minutes later, he was talking to Alice Cooper and some blonde. "Excuse me Peter, but can you kindly introduce me to Alice please?" I asked him. "Well, since you asked so kindly, I will. Alice, this is Mackenzie. Mackenzie this is Alice and the blonde is Eric Singer from Black Sabbath." Peter introduced me. I shook Alice and Eric's hands. "She's the pregnant one." Peter explained. I looked at him for a long while. Then I went on to find Eric.

"Eric! Thanks for throwing this for me, but could you do something for me?" I asked Eric, who was currently waiting by the food for the olives to come out. "What is it?" Carr asked me kindly. "Can you introduce me to Slash?" I explained. "Of course! Let me find him first!" He agreed. When we found Slash he was talking to his drummer, Steven Adler. Slash then saw us. "Slash this is Mackenzie, who's the one carrying the triplets." Eric introduced me. I shook Slash's hand.

When the time came, me and Vinnie opened up the boxes with everyone watching. We opened the first one. "The first one is a girl!" I exclaimed. Vinnie opened the second one. "The second one is a girl too!" He informed me. We opened the third one together. "It's a boy!" Vinnie hugged me tight, happy that he was gonna have a son.

Mark brought out the presents that the various rockers in our yard had gotten me and Vinnie. "Go ahead, open them!" Mark encouraged. Vinnie and I opened the presents one by one. We got a bottle for one of the presents, made of an old beer bottle, from Duff McKagan. Alice Cooper had gotten the babies a box of diapers, which I was happy about. Slash gave us some old baby shoes of his, perfect for our son. We opened about 15 more.

When we finished opening the presents, Bruce had baked a cake that he brought out. The inside layers were 2 layers of pink, and one blue layer. It was just vanilla cake with food dye and artificial flavoring, since the pink layers tasted like strawberries. The blue layer tasted like blueberries. The cake was good. I thanked him.

At the end of the party, Vinnie said he had a surprise for me. He told me to close my eyes. When I opened them, he was down on one knee holding a velvet box. "Mackenzie, I love you sincerely and I wanna keep you forever. Will you be mine forever, make me happy, and marry me?" He asked the question. I had tears in my eyes from joy, and I told him "Yes! Yes! A million times yes!" I was now engaged to the love of my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2019 ⏰

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