chapter 6. month 3

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By my third month, my baby bump had started to show. I was also getting cravings for random foods that I had previously been disgusted by, such as butter. I started wanting to eat fairy bread, which isn't bad, the butter and sprinkles balance one another out. My best girlfriend stopped by and dropped off an old crib that her 7 year old daughter had used. She was a mom at 13.

Paul took me to my 3rd appointment to give Vinnie a break. "The triplets look healthy," the doctor told us, "do you want a print of them to take home?" "Yes please, that would be much appreciated." I told her. She gave me the printed picture of my triplets and I smiled. I still can't believe these are my babies.

Gene still checks up on me and my babies. Next month we can get the genders, and we'll have the reveal party. He keeps on getting me concert tickets. This month's concert is some band that calls themselves Black 'N' Blue. This should be interesting.

I didn't want people to look at me strangely because of my belly, so Ace is a trooper and gets my schoolwork for me. I know I could always do online classes, but the in person ones feel more real to me. One day when he brought me my papers, he also bought me Starbucks. I am forever greatful, since he knows Starbucks is my weakness. It's still good, having opened in 1971.

Peter got me an old childhood toy of his, an octopus plush by aurora. He said it was for the babies, but he knows I'm expecting triplets. So I'm confused why he got only one plush. But hell if I ever know why! I mean, he is Peter Criss.

Eric started making invitations for me. He said this baby shower/gender reveal party is the most extravagant he's ever planned. I believe him, because he's spent well over $500 on this whole ordeal. I thanked him for doing it, but also said he's a little out of his mind. He just wants the best for my babies.

Vinnie gets super overprotective of just my growing stomach. He doesn't want any harm to come to the triplets. His triplets. They're his little precious babies and he loves them to death. That's good because I love all 4 of my family members to death. Technically all 11 of them, including all of the members of kiss.

Mark and I consider each other friends now. He takes me to the skating rink sometimes. He taught me how to tap. We do stupid karaoke together.  Living on a prayer is our most popular.

I think Bruce is gonna be my triplets' godfather. We talk about family a lot, and turns out, he loves kids. So much so in fact, that he was seriously considering adoption. I told him he should since he wants a kid. He's gonna take my advice.

I'm glad these babies have 7 men in their lives that love them.

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