Chapter 5. Month 2

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I am a month in now, and I'm loving it. That was sarcasm by the way. Being pregnant is so hard, especially the morning sickness. I hate the lack of caffeine, I hate having avoid alcohol. My brothers were in a kiss tribute band growing up, which is kinda funny since I now live with kiss. But they would take me to parties with them where there would be alcohol, hence why I started drinking at age 15. I'm surprised I'm not dead yet with the amount of alcohol that has been in my bloodstream. September also marks the anniversary of when my mother died, so this is gonna be hard for me.

Paul and I got really close the last month. He took me maternity shopping since my bump was gonna show soon. I picked out a ton of outfits, and will use my mother's old maternity clothes eventually. We also went grocery shopping for ingredients that were pregnancy safe. Turns out pregnant people have a list of good foods that they should avoid, including meat like steak. Which sucks because I eat a ton of steak. Anyway, Paul took me shopping and defended me for my mood swings last month. He's more of a dad to me than my own father was, who walked out on us when my mom was 7 months pregnant with me. I will never speak my father's name, but now I can't trust people whose names  are Kalvin.

Gene and I also became close. He tried to call me 24/7 when I was out of the house to make sure I didn't accidentally kill the babies. He also bought me and Vinnie Iron Maiden tickets. When he bought the tickets I was excited, since Maiden was one of my favorite bands.  He also told me that the babies would be born in May of 1988, which would be funny because I was born May of 1969. When he told me this i laughed, but knew that he was right. He's now gonna help organize all my dates. I hope he doesn't bail on me.

Ace has been super supportive of my decision to keep the babies, even though sometimes random women will tell me I should abort them. Why would I wanna kill something that I helped create? These babies are my life and I wouldn't change that for anything. If my future children are reading this, mommy loves you. Ace, on multiple occasions if Vinnie wasn't available,  would take me to my classes since I started my third year of university. He'd sometimes stay for the whole class, to ensure I got home safe. I appreciate him a lot, and will continue to stick by him through thick and thin. He is my solid ground when Vinnie can't be, keeping me from going under.

Peter will sometimes buy me random shit as a gift. I woke up one day to a new alarm clock and one single blue rose, one that was leftover from his last show with kiss. At least he bothered to set the alarm before giving it to me. I don't know why he's doing this for me, but maybe it's his way of saying that he's glad I'm pregnant? I also forgot to mention he's out of rehab now, so Gene won't kick him out for drug use. He's happier than ever now, and instead of doing drugs he collects little things of value that he finds. He also found a woman that he's happy with and hopefully he'll marry. She's a nice lady, nicer than any of the other girls that KISS has brought in and out of the house.

Eric is still planning a baby shower and a gender reveal party. He's gonna invite everyone he knows. I hope he doesn't just randomly invite people and expect me to talk to them. But Eric is so sweet that he probably has a lot of friends. He hasn't ever really been mean to anyone. He's the nicest person I know. Sometimes he can be a bit annoying, in the sense that if you're just playing music, Eric will ask what you're listening to when he can hear it. It's just something he does.

Vinnie has been amazing in the sense that he takes me to all my appointments, he's shopped for baby clothes with me, and is really happy about the whole situation. When we went to the concert, he made sure no random big ass dude came and messed with me. He kisses me sweetly every night before bed and once every morning. He also quit his band, Vinnie Vincent Invasion, to take care of me. Isn't that sweet? He makes me breakfast every morning and dinner every night. I'm so in love with him. And I want the world to know.

Mark and I got to know each other a little better. We told each other our favorite genres. Mine at the time was neoclassical metal and metal in general, while his was rock, listening to bands like Van Halen. We told each other what we thought the best color was. We both agreed on black with a little magenta or maroon. His favorite bands were Van Halen, Twisted sister, and Alice Cooper. Mine were Yngwie Malmsteen and Iron Maiden. That's all we did all month, get to know each other.

Bruce and I talked about family a little more. I told him that my brothers gave me up. I never knew my father. My cousins were crazy. My aunts and uncles were delusional. My grandparents were never there for me. And that my mother was my only family member who really cared about my well being. He told me kiss is my family now, and that they all support me no matter what stupid thing I decided to do.

My classes were pretty smooth. My pregnancy was not. Vinnie was my one true love. My family wasn't really reliable as a child. Kiss was my family and I planned to keep it that way. And everybody's gonna live till a million, I was pretty sure. 1991 was not a good year for me, but more on that later. I was loved, and that's all that matters, right?

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