Chapter 2. The confession

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I awoke feeling sick. God No! I went to hug my picture of Vinnie to feel better, but it was now on my dresser and replaced in my bed by Vinnie.  I hugged him before getting up.

I went to Paul. "Hey Paul, what time did Vinnie get home last night?" I asked him. "Around 1:30" He replied. So after I fell asleep. "Well, I kinda need your help with something. I wanna tell Vinnie how I feel." I told him then hugged him quickly. "Just be yourself and if that doesn't work, he's not worth your time." Paul told me sternly and quietly before hugging me again. "Ok." I said and went on my way to find Gene.

When I got to Gene, he was wide awake. "Hey Gene," I started, "can you maybe get me and Vinnie a reservation for two at olive garden?" He looked at me strangely. "Maybe, why?" He asked. "I'm gonna tell Vinnie how I feel" I confessed. "Sure, just be careful", he replied, "if it doesn't work out I don't want you in tears." I grinned goofily at him and called him a nerd before going to the living room.

The first person I saw in the living room was Ace. "Hey squirt!" He greeted me with my nickname and walked over to me. "Hi Ace! How are you" I asked and gave him a playful slap on the arm, something I always did when he called me squirt. "Just fine, and you?" He replied with. "Not as good. I'm nervous. I'm gonna tell him how I feel today and I may need you as emotional support if that's fine with you." I told him honestly. He hugged me tightly, as if to say 'I'm here for you, every step of the way'. "I'll be there, squirt. I hope all goes good." He told me before walking off to make breakfast.

Peter came into the living room, looking high, as usual. "Hey." He said quickly before sipping the beer that was in a cup he was holding. "Hello Peter, what could you possibly want?" I asked, annoyed. "Not trouble miss. I just overheard your conversation with Ace, that's all. When do you plan on telling him?" He asked me. "Hopefully soon." I replied. He looked at me sympathetically and hugged me. I hugged back, suprised.

Eric bounced into the living room and turned on the tv, flipping it to the Saturday morning cartoons. "Still a child at heart, huh?" I asked him, poking fun at him a little bit. "Hush my child. I just like watching the Smurfs." He told me, sticking his tongue out at me. I couldn't help but notice how fixed his eyes were on the tv after he turned back to watch it. I watched it with him, laughing when the little blue creatures did something stupid. He giggled at the tv, and smiled at me, saying "I love cartoons because of stuff like this", or "No! Gargamel is gonna get them!" Every so often. I felt all my nerves go away.

When the time came to talk to Vinnie, I felt butterflies in my stomach. It was after breakfast and I took Ace with me, nervous as hell. "Hey Vinnie," I started nervously, "I-I like you as m-more than a friend. Like in the romantic sort of way." He looked at me as if to process it. He then kissed me softly and hugged me. "I love you too" He confessed and held me. "Good." I told him and kissed him back, and Ace high fived me.

When Mark left for work, I decided to go through his things to get to know more about him. I found an old passport stating his name is Mark Leslie Norton. I laughed to myself about his name and picked up a book that was on the floor. It was 'Moby Dick', a classic. 'Oh, so he likes the classics' I thought and put away his things. I looked at the pillows on his bed, all soft, and fluffed them. I then left his room.

I ran into Bruce on the way out. Not encountered him, but literally didn't see where I was going and bumped into him. "Sorry!" I apologized. "You're fine" He said sincerely and hugged me tightly, to play it off like I'm not clumsy. I really am. I hugged back and said "bye" awkwardly. I then walked away, mortified.

I then got dressed, and went to work at the local diner, coming back with money for mine and Vinnie's date later today.

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