Chapter 4. Month 1

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I'm officially in my first month with the triplets. Well, I have been since yesterday night. I still can't believe he gave me triplets. "Vinnie, I hope the babies aren't like me at all." I told Vinnie sincerely.  "Why not? You're amazing! " He asked. "When I was 3 I stole taffy from the Anderson's market." I explained with a straight face to the best of my ability, trying not to laugh. He laughed until he wheezed. "You can't be serious,  right?" He asked me, still giggling.  "I am. I'm more serious than an army sergeant." I told him. He has a cute laugh, and I love it.

The first person I saw in the living room was Paul. I jokingly said to him "Hi Dad!" Needless to say, he was not amused. Which was weird because he normally laughs at that joke. "What's wrong Paul? Normally you laugh when I tell you that joke." I asked him. "Well, I didn't get much sleep last night because I was worried about you." He answered. "Why? I was perfectly safe with Vinnie!" I replied. "I know, but there was a car accident on Routes 5 and 20. I was worried it was you. " He said, tears staining his normally happy brown eyes. That makes sense. I hugged him tightly to me and let him have a good cry before letting go. He smiled at me, and I smiled at him, mentally telling each other that I'm okay.

I went into the kitchen and actually ran into Gene. Jesus christ I'm so clumsy that his coffee almost spilled. "Sorry Gene. Any left in the pot for me?" I asked, excited for coffee.  He looked at me strangely and said "You probably shouldn't have caffeine. You're pregnant." "God damn it!" I exclaimed. He put his coffee down, his medium length black hair getting in his face as he did it. "Mackenzie, watch your language or those babies are gonna come out cursing like sailors!" Gene jokingly warned. I looked at his coffee and found that he like 1 sugar and a little bit of creamer. So basically black coffee. "I wouldn't want coffee anyway. We have no sugar left." I said as I noticed. 

I went to find Ace, and when I found him he was cranking Mötley Crüe. He was singing along to the chorus of "Live Wire". I cleared my throat so he'd notice I was there. "Oh hi squirt!" He greeted me. I playfully slapped his arm. "Hi Ace ! " I greeted him warmly. He turned his radio up so we both could listen to it. As we listened to it, but after a while I got bored.  I started humming Mr. Speed to myself. He noticed and turned the radio. I started singing along with the song that was playing, coincidentally it was Mr. Speed.

Peter burst into the room in tears. "What is it Peter?" I asked him. "Gene's threatening to kick me out if I don't get clean!" He explained. "Well, go to rehab." Ace suggested. "No! I don't wanna go to rehab! " Peter protested. "You have to." I told him. Then he got hysterical. "I don't wanna be away from my friends for that long!" The tears streamed down his face faster now. Ace and I hugged him. He stopped crying, but still refused to go. We eventually convinced him.

Eric Carr came and hugged me for no apparent reason. But then I realized.  Today is Sunday. Free hugs from Eric day is what I call it. "Thanks Eric!" I told him and hugged back. "Don't mention it!" He said and smiled. He then proceeded to hug Ace. Then Peter. Then he sat on the floor. "What's going on in here?" He asked.

I eventually got up and walked to the kitchen to get breakfast. "Cereal or eggs?"  A familiar voice asked me, and I knew it was Vinnie. His long black hair shone in the sun kind of, and he looked gorgeous. "Eggs with bacon, and some toast." I told him.  He stated to cook and I snuck up behind him, giving him a hug. "You're a real cutie pie. " He told me then giggled. "Thank you babyyyyyyy!" I replied. He looked at the stove, realizing he couldn't cook bacon properly on it. It wouldn't turn out the right crispness. He frowned.

After my breakfast, I decided to talk to Mark. "Hi, Mr. Mystery! I wanna get to know more about you!" I told him. I learned his first band was White Lion. I also learned that he can't play the same thing twice. The arthritic condition in his hands eventually got better. His doctor had lied to him. He thought he was gonna die from something stupid. He also looks like a member of Britny Fox. He also knew of this new band that came out this year called bulletboys. He's pretty chill.

Bruce and I had a conversation for a good two hours about children. He always wanted kids but never had em. Maybe he did with random groupies, but i don't know. I told him that he'd be a great father eventually.

I don't really feel like telling anymore........ (a/n writers block)

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