Eyeless Jack x reader

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EJ and I have been dating for 4 years now and we have now moved in together. I've always begged Jack to let us get a pet but he didn't like the idea because sometimes he and I would be gone for weeks on missions. I was really upset because there was nothing to do in the house besides watch movies and there's only so many times you can watch The little Mermaid.

One evening as Jack and I were cuddling I decided to give it one more try"Jackkkkk........." "whaaaaaaaaaattttttt........" "Pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeeeeee!" "please what?" Jack sat up curious. "Puppppppppyyyyyyyy!" "Y/n....we've been over this!" "Puppy or baby? You decide!" "What? Now you want a baby? We can barely handle smile dog when he comes to visit and you want a dog?" "You know what?! GOODNIGHT!" I turn off my lamp shade and cover my head with the blanket.

I heard Jack sigh and then he got of the bed. Probably on a killing spree to let out his frustration. That's something I loved about Jack, the fact that whenever he was angry he would just go kill instead of arguing or hurting me. Wait a second I was supposed to be mad at him. UGHHH it's hard being mad at someone you love...

After a while I fell asleep. I heard the front door open and close. I heard the bathroom door shut and the water start. I looked the time 8am! He was gone for hours...all because I started a fight over something stupid. I got up and pulled a pair of his sweatpants and an oversized shirt on and then walked out if the room to apologize to Jack. Just as I was near the bathroom the door opened and I bumped into a semi dry Jack.

I felt my face burn up and I willed my self to stop starting at his well built body. "Y/n...I wanted to talk about last night..." "Jack...I...I'm sorry! I shouldn't have been so pushy!" I wrap Jack up in a hug which he returns with one hand still holding his towel. "Let me get changed then we'll talk okay?" I let go of him and walk into the kitchen.

I decided to make breakfast for Jack so I take a kidney out of the fridge and start cooking.After 5 minutes Jack comes into the kitchen and wraps his arms around my waist. "I talked to Slender last night...about the pet thing." "Let me guess...same as last time?" "Actually...No. He said that we could get a pet...but it has to be able to kill with us so that rules out a domestic cat or dog."

I stood there shocked. "He said we could get a pet?!" Jack nodded. "Okay okay...so no cats or dogs....OMG! What about a wolf?" "I guess that could work but where are we going to find a baby wolf?"

"Well hehe....I know....of a baby wolf that I've kinda kept for like...2 weeks now...." Jack rubs his temples. "When were you going to tell me about that?" "Well....last night but I kinda made you mad...ahem...anyway....breakfast is ready!" I put the kidney on a plate and set it down at the table.

Jack sits down and starts eating. "So...can I meet this wolf pup?" "Sure! I named her Bella by the way..." I walk outside to the little shed we had in the back yard. This is where Jack usually brought the victims he wanted to torture but for the last month he didn't really have time for it since we were overloaded with missions. I open the door and the little black wolf pup opens her beautiful purple eyes.

Her tail starts to wag as she ran into my arms. I giggle as she licks my face. I carry her into the house and Jack freezes. "Jack...are you o-" "SHE'S SO CUTEEEEE!" He runs over to Bella and starts to pet her. Soon enough Jack forgot all about the food on the table and he was just running around with Bella. "Cold blooded killer all right..." "What was that?" "Nothing..." "Y/n I'm sorry about the fight last night hopefully this makes up for it.." "What are y-"

Jack cuts me off by placing his soft lips on mine. We pull apart and saw that Bella was sprawled over Jack and I and she was fast asleep. "I love you Jack..." "I love you too Y/n..."

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