Laughing Jack x reader

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Its happening again. The same dream that has been repeating itself every night. It always begins the same way.

It was me alone in an abandoned amusement park but everything looked like it was in black and white. Suddenly Pop goes the weasel starts playing, but it's not the usual joyful way it was slow and creepy.

The place was completely empty until I noticed that the was one clown serving cotton candy. "Hey there little girl! Would you like some cotton candy?" "I'm not little and I know better then to take candy from a stranger!" I start to turn away but as I turned the clown was in front of me. "I'm laughing Jack! What's your name?" "Y/n..." "Y/n meet Laughing Jack. Laughing Jack meet Y/n. There now we aren't strangers."

"I guess not..." Even though I refused to admit it, I was afraid to be alone. Loneliness is such a cruel thing in this already cruel world. The monochrome clown stuck his hand out for me to take. I hesitated for a second before I gave him my hand.

The dream always ended with his sweet face turning into a sinister sick grin and then his grip on my hand tightens. And no matter how hard I try to get out of his grip I just....can't. And the darkness....slowly...consumes me....until I just. Can't. Breathe.

I woke up in a cold sweat. Ugh I have to stop these dreams somehow. I look around my room. It was the exact same f/c bedspread, f/c curtains, a 2ndf/c carpet and f/c walls...but something wasn't right. I had this feeling that I was being watched  and that's when I noticed it.

A large figure near my window. Out of fear I turned on my lampshade and suddenly the figure was gone. Phew...maybe it was my mind playing tricks on me.

"Hello y/n!" "Aahhhhhhh!" A hand shoots over my mouth silencing my screams. I look at his face...t-that face...the one from my dreams..."mmphh mph mphh?" "If I take my hand off...will you promise not to scream?" I nodded and he let his hand fall off my face. "Laughing Jack?!" "Nice to finally meet you in the flesh y/n!"

"W-why? W-what do you want?" "I-i was...t-trying to make a friend" " A-a friend?" "Where I live its not that easy to make I thought you could be my friend but...whenever I appear in dreams it always ends badly...Im so sorry..."

I thought his story was bullshit until I looked into his eyes and they were sorrowful and had tears brimming, threatening to spill. "It's okay Laughing Jack. I will be your friend but you have to promise not to appear in my dreams." "Done!" "And no crying okay?"

He reached up and wiped his eyes with the back of his hands. I hugged him...I had no idea why but it felt right. Like this is where everything was supposed to be. Who knew the terror I once faced would turn out to be a soul that was afraid of being alone just like me...

Authors note:
I'm so sorry that I missed an upload yesterday but I was sick and I had school and also I had to go for a party that night and by the time I got home I was so exhausted that I just knocked out and couldn't finish and published the chapter. Also thank you all for 127 reads! I really appreciate all the love this book is receiving and I really hope that you all enjoy this chapter and don't be afraid to comment your thoughts. If you want me to do a specific creepypasta just comment or private message me. The next chapter is going to be Homicidal Liu and it will be published next Wednesday and....yeah...
Sorry again!

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