RE-Opening The Past. .

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*Tre's Pov*

I heard a familiar voice say hey Trey. I get up and put my pants on and go down stairs to take the call,as i am doin that I ask who is this.

****************************Phone Convo*********************************

?: "You don't know who this is,wow we must have fell off."

Tre' : "HA! No i don't actually."

"It's me, Symone."

"Ohh,yeahh how are youu?"

"Great. I'm calling I have something you want".

"What do you have?''

"Come over ill text you my address and I will give it to you when you come over here."

"Alright,Ill be over in a little while'.

"Okay,bye" she says smiling through the phone.

I walk back up stairs to see Tiara laying down,sleeping peacefully. She looks so beautiful, I walk over to her and give her a kiss and walk down stairs to my car. I get in my car and go to my house to take another shower before going to Symones house.

*******************************Hour later************************

I got out the shower to find I got a Two text messages. One was from Symone sending me her address and the other was from Tiara she asked why I had left and when I left. I responded my mom needed me to help her with something. I know I lied to Tiara but she would be pissed if she knew Symone had contacted me,asking me to come over. I put on some shorts and a nike's shirt on. I walk out the house and started heading to Symone's house. I finally get to Symone's house and I knock on the door and she is laying there looking me up and down. Symone is only a year younger than me but she looks younger than I remember seeing her. She was wearing a dress. She invites me in and we both sit on the couch. I decided to talk and see why she had brought me over here.

"So wassup, why am I over here?"

"I kinda just wanted to see you,because I missed you"

"That's it,look Symone what we had was good but I'm with Tiara and i took a big risk coming over here because I thought you had to tell me something"

"Ohh, youur with Tiara?"



She pauses and I see a boy come out rubbing his eyes. Then heard him go up to Symone and say Mommy. I was in complete shock, that she had a kid.

"How old his he?" I asked shocked

"He's 2 now" She says with a smile.

"Where's the father?"

"Tre', you are the father"

My head is starting to spin at the thought i had a baby with Symone. I missed part of my son's life?! I dont even know if this is my kid forreal. How am I going to tell Tiara? A million questions go through my head. And then I finally break up the silence I had started.

"What's his name?"


"Oh, umm I gotta go".

"So soon?"

"Yeahh, I gotta work and yeahh."

"Okay, bye Tre' it was nice seeing you again I hope you come back soon"

I leave the house thinking what the fuck have I done! How am I going to Tell Tiara. I know Tiara is not going to understand. My mom never did like Symone and now I'm stuck wit her. I get in my car and drive back home.


*Symone's Pov*

I gave Chris a bath and put him to bed,he was getting big. I started to think about how I told Tre' . I got a knock on my door it was my girl Christina. Me and her started talking on the couch. She asked me how things have been. I told her good. It was good to talk to her I have talked to her in forever it seems like.

"How's Chris?"

"Good, he's gunna have a dad soon"

"What,Brandon died tho?"

"I kinda sorta lied to a ex- of mine"


"Because he was with this girl that I have problems with"

"So, your about to ruin a relationship because your jealous?"

"Pretty much"

"Your a evil Bitch" She says jokingly.

"I know but I can't help it"

"Well I guess we will see how this turns out for you"

*********************Comment what youu think will happen to Symone. and will Tre' do?

*********************Votee's are welcomed (:

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