Can You listen?!

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*A week later*

*Tre's Pov*

I haven't talked to Tiara since she walked out of my mom's house. My mom said I should go over there but I dont think that is a good idea. As stubborn as Tiara is  I know Tiara is not going to want to hear me out. I kinda like the idea of having a son in my life. Symone has been all over me, seems like she doesn't care about my son chris. Everytime I'm with Symone,I want to be with Tiara. But for right now I know this is going to be impossible. I miss Tiara and I think Today is the day I am going to get her back. I get in the shower.

**************************************45mins later*************************

I get out the shower and put some clothes on and walk outside to my car, when I get into my car my phone starts to ring. It's Symone again, I deny the call because I am getting sick and tired of seeing her. I know that is wrong to say but she aint nothing but a baby momma. I began to back out the drive way when Symone's car stops in back of my car. I stop my car and Symone get out the car. I get out the car also.


"Can you calm the fuck down,Please."


"I'm not dodging y'all, for the love of god i saw y'all yesterday and can you stop yelling my mom is in the house taking a nap and if you didn't notice we have neighbors"

"Okay, sorry. Where you going?"

"Tiara's house, nosey"

"Ohh, good nothing important. That means you can take Chris over their with you"

"Why can't you take him with you?"

"Because, I'm hanging with the girls."

Symone goes to her car and gets chris and and his bag. She gives me him and drives off. I look at Chris and think Tiara is not going to want to see me if she sees chris with me. And I'm not going to Abandon Chris, I hope Tiara will understand. I get in the car and start driving towards Tiara's house.


*Symone's POV*

*At friends house*

"Hey girl?" I say.

"Hey, hows the fake baby daddy thing going?"

"Actually pretty good, Tre' and Tiara broke up and now I got him around my finger."

"You know that's wrong you got him watching a dead man's kid."

"So, my son needs a man in his life and if it has to be Tre' so be it. Now lets go have some fun!"


*Tiara's Pov*

It's four O' clock and I'm watching Titanic. I remember when me and Tre' used to watch Titanic together. Everytime when Jack was about to die he would always hold me and tell me how much he loved me. I miss those days but I guess they are all over now it doesnt matter anymore. Me and him are done and I have to move on. I know it's going to be hard since he was basically my first everything. I never want to see him again,because everytime I see him I melt inside. Lately I have been feeling sick, I keep vomiting. Maybe it's all the stress with Tre' having a baby with Symone. I continue watching Titanic and then suddenly the door bell rings and i get up to get it. I open the door and their is Tre' with his son. Tre' smiles at me and I smile back.

"Can I come in ma?"

"Yeah, only because you got mr. man"

"Yeah right T."

We walk into my house and sit on the couch.

"I see you watching Titanic, you watching it without me?"

I turn off the tv. "Why are you here Tre'?"

"Well,before I talk can I put Chris in the back room?"

"Yeah go head"

*Tre' picks up Chris and takes him into the back room. Then comes back and sits close to Tiara*

"Tiara, Imiss you and I still love you with all my heart"

"Tre', you have a baby and I think it's best if we go our seperate ways" I say looking down.

"T, Babe. Don't give up on me on us. I love you and I can't live without you."

"Tre' i don't know.''

"Baby, I don't want Symone I just. . I JUST WANT YOU!"

As Tre' started saying how he wanted me I felt sick and just started running to the bathroom. I start vomiting in the toliet and Tre' comes behind me holding my hair.

"T, I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

"Yes, It's nothing just leave.'' I say before vomiting again.

"Let me call a doctor, and make you an appointment."

Tre' starts calling the hsopital,I want to tell him I will be okay. But I'm scared I will start vomiting more. Tre' tells me he made an appointment for tomorrow and that he is going to stay the night with me to make sure I am okay. I tell him it's okay but he is still the caring Tre' and I always did love that about him. Maybe I could give him another chance after I felt better of course. He said he was going to drop off Chris and get some clothes and come back. I gave him my key and I got in the shower and brushed my teeth and laid down and next thing you know I was sleep.

***************Next Day******************

I woke up to Tre' telling me to get up. I got up and he said it was time to get up and go to the  doctors. He was already dress and I got in the shower.

*******************hour later******************

I was ready to go and Tre' had made me breakfast. After we both ate we both went to the doctors and then we waited in the waiting room waiting on the doctor to call me back.

"Do you want me to go with you Tiara?"

"You know I always hated you calling me by my first name, and yess."


"Because I'm used to you calling me babe or something else and Tiara when you say it means were buddy's. Or were friends"

"Ohh, well Ill rememeber that" Tre' says laughing.

The doctor comes out and says Ms. Elliott. And I go back and see the doctor. The doctor does a few test on me  and he asks me to take a pregnacy test so I take it and wait for the results and then the plus sign pops up I didnt think I would see that.


*Tre''s POV*

Tiara looks at the test and her whole expression changed. It said it was postive the doctor comes back in and says congrats. I'm happy,but Tiara doesn't seem to happy. We leave the hospital and I ask her what should we name the baby. She doesn't say anything and finally I say we should name the baby after me babe. Tiara still didn't say anything she just looked at the window. I really want to know what she is thinking.

*Feedback would be nice :D*

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